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A four letter word.


A four letter word. 


A four letter word.

It's strange how four letters can change your whole life. 

It's strange how four seconds can change your life. 

My world ground to a halt when the doctor said 'she's gone'. I didn't believe him. I told him that she would never leave me, that she wouldn't die. I told the doctor that I hated him and then I punched him over and over again until I was pulled away by five people, all the while telling them that she was still here and that they were lying.

I didn't want to accept it. I didn't want to have to face the truth that my last living family member is dead. I didn't want to face the fact that I was the last Parker. I didn't want to be alone and I didn't know what to do.

After someone tried to inject me with a sedative to make me calm down and it didn't work I ran. I have no clue where I am going to go with Ned moving to Texas with his mom and MJ along with her family moving out of New York after the donut ship touchdown. I don't have a family. I don't have friends and I'm pretty sure I can't crash at the tower.

All of that happened two months ago and I am starting to lose weight. I've practically become skin and bones with my limited food intake and metabolism. Most of my days are either spent out as Spiderman when I have the strength or at some library reading.

I had stopped going to school the day after Aunt May died but I didn't want to completly stop my education so I went to the library pretty much every day. When I first started going to the library I saw a Russian book and decided as my language that I would learn Russian and so far I'm doing pretty go.

With everything that has happened, I am doing really well. I'm still alive and functioning almost like a normal human. I haven't tried to off myself or anything like that. I had only lived this long because of Mr. Delmar and him giving me food every now and then. 

 I have been sleeping in the streets but it's not all that bad, I even have a sleeping bag I found. Sure I look like I've been homeless for years with dirt covering every inch of me and my hair tangled and matted to my scalp but I was surviving.

I was going about how I usually spend my Wednesday nights now, sitting outside of an alleyway I had claimed as mine with an old jam jar in front of me in case anyone decided they wanted to give me anything while I read a paper I found this morning.

"Peter?" A very familiar male voice questions and I look up and see Clint looking at me bundled in a winter coat.

"Hey, Katniss," I say and wave a lazily tired and cold.

"Oh my god, Peter! Is this where you've been for the past two months? You've got to be freezing," Clint says in concern stripping out of his coat and tries covering me with it while I push it away.

"Put your coat back on and yes, I'm fine," I say even if those words are clearly not true.

"I am not putting my coat back on, you are taking it and I know you aren't fine," Clint says and I bite my lip.

"So what if I'm not? It doesn't really matter anymore, nothing does," I say and laugh bitterly. 

"Where are you living?" Clint asks and I laugh.

"You're looking at it," I say waving my hand into the alleyway.

"Not anymore. Stand up," Clint orders and I do so.

"You are coming with me back home," Clint says grabbing my arm but I pull away.

"I don't have a home anymore. Don't you get it, Clint? May is gone, she's dead," I say with tears welling in my eyes.

"Then you are coming home with me, I'm sure Laura wouldn't mind another," Clint says and I look at him as if he's lost his mind.

"Who is Laura and I'm pretty sure she would mind if you bring me home with you like a stray dog," I say and scowl.

"You are not a 'stray dog' and I know she wouldn't mind," Clint says and I shake my head.

"I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have even taken your coat and now you're trying to take me home with you. I can't, I'm sorry but I can't. I can't lose another person I care about," I say and start walking away.

"I'm sorry I have to do this Peter," Clint says and I turn back to see what he's talking about but something hits my temple and my world turns black.


My head is throbbing and I groan. I sit up from I'm lying with my eyes still closed and rub my head. What the hell happened? Oh, right, Clint decided to kidnap me to god knows where.

"I see you decided to wake up?" Clint's voice says and I turn and glare at the direction it came from with eyes still closed.

"You know you can open your eyes right?" Clint questions and I grumble and open my eyes and see I'm on a shield Quinjet.

"Where are you taking me?" I question and Clint sighs.

"I'm taking you back home," Clint says and I scowl.

"I was home," I say and he laughs bitterly, much like I did before.

"You were living in an alleyway," Clint points out and I shrug.

"It was home," I say and Clint frowns.

"Why didn't you go to Tony? He would have let you stay with him for sure," Clint says and I snort.

"Tony and I had a bit of a falling out," Clint says and he looks at me as if he knows I'm hiding something.

"The truth, now," Clint demands and I sigh.

"He replaced me three months before Aunt May was killed. Kicked me out of the tower and told me not to come back so I didn't," I say and shrug.

"I'm going to kill him," Clint growls and I shake my head.

"Don't, it's not worth it," I say and lean back in my seat next to Clint.

"We're almost there," Clint says looking at a screen beside him.

"I still have no clue where you are kidnapping me to," I say trying to make a joke.

"It's my farm in Iowa. It's where my family lives," Clint says and he smiles. 

"You have a family?" I ask not having known that he had a family before.

"Yeah, only Fury and the original six know about it. Fury set it up when I joined," Clint says and sighs as if remembering fun family nights.

"That's cool," I say and have to fight back tears.

I shouldn't but I feel jealous that he has a family and I don't anymore.

"Yeah, but what are we talking about it for? We're landing," Clint says and his face looks like a puppy that found it's way home, I wish I still had a home.

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