TE (Trumatic experience) (completed)

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It was Saturday morning when it first started. We were all eating breakfast at the table. The original six plus Bucky, Wanda, and Vision were sitting while Ms. Potts was making pancakes at the stove.

"So Spidey, What was your TE?" Clint questions and I cock my head to the side.

"Green," I say.

"What he's trying to ask is, what was your trumatic experience that made you be a hero," Steve says and I shift around.

"I got bit by a spider," I say and get up.

I quickly bring my plate to the sink and wash it and dart out of there faster then you can say quitage. I had no intentions of sharing what happened to me any time soon.

The second time I was asked what my TE was was when I was training with Sam.

"You seemed to avoid it last time it was asked, but what was your TE?" Sam asks when he throws a punch.

I dodge easily as throw my own which connects. What was these people's problem? Why did they want to know everything about me? They didn't even know my name or what I looked like.

"You don't need to know that," I say calmly and punch again.

"We're your teammates, we know practically everything about each other. Your the odd one out with us not knowing your name or even what you look like," Sam argues and I glare at him.

"That's for a good reason, you would attack and lock me up if you knew so just drop it," I say and step away.

I walk out of the gym and am struggling with not shaking. All these questions were bringing up old memories that would be better to stay buried.


I was cooking dinner for everyone when Wanda walked up behind me.

"You know you can share what happened to you right?" She says out of the blue and I look behind me to see her fiddling with her jacket.

"What are you talking about?" I question but I already know.

"Your TE. I know what fear is, I see everyone's fear at sometimes. Yours can't be worse," Wanda says and I huff out a harsh laugh.

"You've been talking to Sam, haven't you?" I question and store the rice.

"Yeah but we just wa-" I cut her off by slamming the skillet down onto the stove.

"I don't care what you want!" I yell getting angry.

"No one thinks about what I want, why do you think I don't want you to know?" I question and leave it there as I walk away not caring if the food burns.


The next time I was asked was when I was helping Ms. Potts out by doing some filing for her.

"Spidey, I know you haven't told any of the team yet but I want you to know that you can share what happened to you with me," She says and I sigh.

"I don't want to share what happened with anyone. And even if I did? You would throw me out," I say and slip another file into its place.

"We wouldn't throw you out," She try's again but I shake my head.

"I'm sorry Ms. Potts but I can't," I say and put the last file in place and walk out of there.


The next and last time I was asked was at the dinner table on a Wednesday night. It was nice because no one had asked me what my TE was for two days and I thought they had had dropped it.

"So Spidey, you refuse to tell us your age, refuse to show us your face, and refuse to tell us your TE. What's with all of the secretary?" Pietro asks and I clench my jaw.

Sure, I had been asked all of these things before but I was tired. I was sick and tired of them needing to know ever damn thing.

"You really want to know!" I yell snapping.

"You want to know how my parents were murdered right in front of me!? You want to know that I was kidnapped by hydra!? You want to know that I was tortured everyday since I was seven!? You want to know that I was turned into a soldier and assassin when I was twelve!? You want to know about the scars that cover every inch of my body!? Well now you know!" I yell and rip my mask off so they can see the scar over my right eye while slamming my fist down on the table and break it in half.

"J-just take a deep and try to calm down," Ms. Potts says and I turn to glare at her.

"Calm down!? Your the ones who wanted to know about me and my life! I'm so sorry that it's not what you wanted!" I yell with sarcasm dripping from my voice at the last line and I fling half of the table away making Bucky and Steve have to jump out of the way.

"That was mahogany!" Sam yells and I turn to glare at him.

"Shut up with your Hunger Game references!" I yell and he nods meekly.

"Spidey, your scaring us here," Natasha says and I snap my eyes to her.

"I'm sorry," I say and slump back in my chair, the last thing I wanted was to scare people.

"It's ok. It's ok Spidey," Tony says and I sigh.

"Now you know," I say and run a hand through my hair.

"Yeah we do," Natasha says.

"I guess this is when you take me away?" I question and hear sharp intakes of breath.

"We are not going to lock you away for your past. If we locked everyone who has a bad past away from the team, no one would be left," Steve says and I look up and see everyone nodding.

"There is one thing I think we would all like to know, what is your name?" Wanda questions and I smile a bit.

"Peter, Peter Parker," I say and everyone smiles.

"Well Peter, I think it's time we get to know you. Let's start with your favorite movie?" Bucky asks and I grin.

"Anything Disney," I say and everyone laughs. 

It wasn't much and I caused a lot of damage to the furniture that night but we moved forward and became a stronger team.

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