Never Have I ever

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Do you know how once you are doing something you instantly know you shouldn't have even thought about doing it? Yeah, well that is what I am thinking right now. I should never have agreed to play never have I even, especially with my 'family'.

Given the fact that they were all heroes and grown-up's or teens, the questions were going to be odd but I never thought it would be this odd.

"Everyone grab a drink and sit down, it's time for never have I ever!" Danny yells taking a drink and everyone grabs a drink.

It's the new year's party and everyone seemed to be here. Danny, Luke, Ava, Nova, Aunt Nat, Mom, Dad, Uncle Clint, Uncle Thor, Uncle Sam, Uncle Rohdey, Uncle Bucky, Uncle Steve, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Loki, Wanda, Vision, Scott, T'challa, Shuri, and Aunt May. 

Everyone grabs a drink and the junior team in scolded because we are trying to get the alcoholic drinks, not like it could affect me anyways. We all sit down in the living room and wait for Danny to take charge even if I was the leader of the junior team and Uncle Steve was the leader of the senior team.

"We will be going clockwise and I'm pretty sure you know the rest," Danny says and everyone nods.

"Never have I ever smoked marijuana," Danny says and everyone but him takes a drink and this seems to surprise the senior team.

"What! You can't do that!" Dad yells and I shake my head.

"You know what this line of work is like dad, and it was only one time," I say and the rest of the team nods as we did it together and then sworn not 

"How do I know that?" Dad questions and the junior team laugh.

"Because the morning after we woke up in random places half-naked, we all swore that we would never smoke marijuana ever again," Luke says and this makes everyone in the junior team nod and the rest shift around.

"Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex," Scott says and everyone but Uncle Rohdey, Aunt May and him takes a drink.

"Never ever have I ever been arrested," Aunt May says and everyone but her takes a drink.

"Peter! You didn't tell me this!" Aunt May says and I shrug.

"Eh, you were in Florida," I say brushing it off.

"That is no excuse mister!" Aunt May yells but I can tell it's a joke along with everyone else.

"Never have I ever worn a planting pot on my head," Mom says and I take a drink and see no else do so.

"Why would you ever put a planting pot on your head?" Uncle Bucky questions.

"I was impersonating Bucket Head over there," I say pointing to Nova and he turns red.

"Never have I ever gotten a tattoo," Steve says and Ava, Luke, Nova, Danny, Bucky, Scott, and I take a drink.

"Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark! Where did you get this tattoo!?" Dad questions and I can see him starting to turn red.

"Right here," I say and lift my shirt up and show him, Ava, Luke, Nova, Danny, and my name tattooed on my ribs in their handwriting.

"Same here," The rest of the junior team says while lifting up their shirts showing similar tattoos.

The adults just sputter and stare at us dumbfounded.

"Why?" Is all they can ask.

"Because we're like siblings and always want to remember that," Ava says and we drop our shirts back down.

"Never have I ever kissed a teammate," I say and everyone on the senior team takes a drink.

"Really?" Nova questions and they all nod sheepishly.

"Huh, next," I say and take a drink for fun.

"Never ever have I gotten a speeding ticket," Luke says and every adult including Ava takes a drink.

"When have you ever driven? You're not even old enough," Dad questions and Ava smiles and just shrugs.

"That's for me to know and you to want to know," Ava says and I roll my eyes.

"We were in a fight and had to get away but were all hurt. Ava stole a car and drove way to fast and got us pulled over," I say and Ava glares at me.

"Never have I ever been awake for longer than 48 hours," Rohdey says and everyone but Aunt May takes a drink.

 "Never have I ever been electrocuted," Danny says and everyone but Aunt May, T'challa, and he take a drink.

"How?" T'challa questions and we all shift around.

"Tortured," Everyone but Shuri, Uncle Bruce, Aunt May, and Scott says at once.

"Experiment went wrong," Shuri says while the others shift around.

"Never have I ever gotten drunk," Uncle Steve says and everyone takes a drink.

"What! Peter, how did you even manage that?" Dad questions and I flush.

"Well, I was trying to make it so Uncle Steve and Uncle Bucky could get drunk or like it and I needed to test it out on someone with a super metabolism so I used myself. Worst idea ever, woke up on the ceiling with no memory of how I got there or how I was covered in glitter," I say and everyone nods.

"Never ever have I gotten shot," Aunt May says and everyone but her, Shuri, T'chall, and Scott takes a drink.

"Never ever have I accidentally bent metal," Rohdey says and I laugh and take a gulp along with Uncle Bucky and Uncle Steve.

"How do you even do that?" Scott questions and I smirk.

"Super strength is a bitch," I say and everyone laughs.

"Language!" Uncle Steve mocks himself and we all laugh.

"Never have I ever shot a gun," Scott says and everyone but Aunt May and he takes a drink.

"Never ever have I worn a chicken on my head," Aunt Nat says and I take a drink and yet again I'm the only one.

"What? I saw it on F.R.I.E.N.D's and wanted to know what it was like!" I say putting my hands in the air defensive.

"Only you," Mom says and I frown.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"Nothing," She says shaking her head.

"This was very educational with Peter putting a chicken and flower pot on his head and getting a tattoo but it's three in the morning and we are all almost asleep," Uncle Steve says and I see he is right.

Everyone was either leaning back into their chair or into the people next to them.

"I think that's a good idea," I say before leaning over onto dad and passing out.

The End.

Peter Parker One-shotsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα