Magazine cover

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My life was over. Yup, that's it. Over just like that. I gaze down at the magazine's and newspapers in front of me and slam my head down on the table. Who knew one nosy reporter could get me into so much trouble? I only wanted to walk to school for once and now I am stuck on the cover of basically every magazine and newspaper in New York, hell even the country for Tony Stark possibly being my dad.

The only bright spot so far in my day is that one magazine's cover was about an oil spill finally being cleaned up. I took one more look at the covers and slammed my head back down. I was going to be mauled at school.

"Pete, are you in here?" Mr. Stark questions opening the door and I grunt.

"I know that this is bad but sitting up all night and in the dark can't be good for your health," Mr. Stark says coming in and sitting down in the stool beside me.

"I'm not completely in the dark," I say pointing to the lamp that illuminates that magazines and newspapers around the desk.

"That dull thing hardly counts. Want to come out of your cave and watch a movie?" He questions and I shrug.

"It's not a cave," I point out.

"Really? Look at your bed," Mr. Stark orders and I do and see the blanket fort I made.

"Point taken. What movie are we watching?" I question with raised eyebrows.

"Ready Player One?" Mr. Stark questions and I snort.

"Are you sure you can handle it? I mean last time you did throw the remote at the TV and start cursing the creators about the incorrect science of everything," I point out with eyebrows raised.

"If you like it then I can bear it for two hours," Mr. Stark says and I lean over and hug him.

"Thanks," I say and detach from him and we both walk out to the living room where Mr. Stark pops some popcorn for us and then starts the movie.

~~~~~~Time skip by it being two in the morning and not wanting to do to may details~~~~~~

I fell asleep halfway through the movie last night after Mr. Stark started correcting the science of the movie so Mr. Stark carried me to my room and tucked me in and didn't wake me up until it was time for me to get ready for school as even if our secret was out I still had to go to school.

I brushed my teeth and then pulled on my usual clothes that consisted of jeans, a sweater, dress shirt under the sweater and Nike's. I quickly try to straighten my hair out but it returned to its messy self the moment I moved the brush away so I decided to leave it like I normally do. I dash out of my room with my backpack in hand.

I dash into the kitchen and grab an apple and eat it quickly and then grab some toast to eat on my way to school. I dash out of the kitchen and go to the elevator and allow it to take me down to the garage where Mr. Stark is waiting in the driver's seat of a silver Mercedes.

I sigh but am not very surprised, this seemed like something he would do. I just shake my head at him and get in the seat next to him and he takes off driving.

"Where is Happy?" I question looking over and see his face set in a big grin.

"I let him have the day off driving you," Mr. Stark says and I sigh again.

"Why are you driving me? I thought you had a meeting with some big company today," I point out and look at him pointedly.

"That meeting can wait, I should be driving you to school," Mr. Stark says and I sigh.

"Why should you be driving me to school? Happy always drives me," I say.

"I thought it would be nice to give you a ride since everyone thinks that you're my son. A dad should always try to drive his son to school at least once," Mr. Stark says and I sigh yet again.

"Mr. Stark I think that only applies when your not famous and a billionaire," I retort.

"Famous shamus, if I can fly around in a metal suit then I can drive you to school in a car," Mr. Stark says and I laugh.

"Fine, you win," I say getting in the car.

Mr. stark pulls out of the spot the car is parked in once I get strapped in. Mr. Stark heads out and onto the street and I look out the window and people turn to look at the car and try to pull out their phones in time to take a picture but we speed past them before they get a chance.

All too soon, we are pulling up in front of my school and kids start to crowd around the car and I panic slightly. But Mr. Stark's hand on my shoulder calms me down a bit.

"Don't worry Pete, I was going to give these to later but now seems like a better time," Mr. Stark says and hands me a glasses case and a case that looks like it could hold apple wireless earbuds.

I open both cases and in the glasses case is a pair of sunglasses and in the earbud case is earbuds.

"I can tell you are confused so I will tell you what they are. The earbuds are soundproof to help block noise and you can also use them as normal earbuds. The sunglasses should block out large amounts of light and should help with sensory overloads as well," Mr. Stark says and I smile the biggest smile I probably ever have.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Stark!" I say and launch myself at him and hug him.

"You should get going if you don't want to be late," Mr. Stark says and ruffles my hair.

"," I say and get out of the car.

On my way into school, people wave magazines and newspapers in my face and ask me to sign them with my new name, Peter Stark.

( Endnote: Peter was adopted by Mr. Stark two days later as May only had guardianship of him. It was announced three days after that he became the heir to Stark industries and everything owned by Tony Stark. Three years after that he announced that he was Spider-Man after graduating college. 

Two years after that he married Michell and had two daughters who inherited his spider abilities and who later in life after their father retired became the new generation of spider hero's. Both Tony and Pepper died in a plane crash when the girls were 14 and Peter was 42. Though it was sad the family decided to build a science center for children interested in science who could not afford to get involved by themselves. Peter died in his sleep at age 95 and Michell died two days after from a heart attack. Their two girls grew up and had family's if there own and had their own adventures that are for another time.)

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