Misgendered (Part One)

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Happy Holidays! 

Here is an update for you. It's short but I want you to be able to read if you want to. This is part one of at least two parts. Consider this a holiday gift from me to you if you like this so far. I will also be updating on Wednesday as well.

I am putting a warning at the beginning of this because some stuff could make you offended. There will be misgendering and transgender from female to male and being bullied by a teacher for being transgender and mention of trying to commit suicide. So just as a warning, if you don't like, don't read and if this offends you and you don't want to read, don't read.

I was having one of my worse days. It was only second hour and I had already been misgendered twice. No matter how many times Tony called the school it never stopped. At least I had my three friends who stood up for me. Ned, MJ, and Flash.

Once Flash found out about me trying to commit suicide he changed. I guess he never really thought how he really could be hurting others when he bullied them. I was minding my own business when Mr. Coomper looked over at me will a glare. Mr. Cooper was the worst transphobic person at Midtown. 

He always tried to fail me and gave me F's just because I was transgender. To be honest I was ready to quit school. I already knew what they were teaching me and it was just another thing to keep me busy. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Mr. Cooper's voice.

"Miss Parker, are you listening?" Mr. Cooper asks and I grit my teeth in order not to yell at him and tell him that it was Mister Parker.

"Yes, I am," I say and scowl.

"Don't talk back to me Miss Parker," Mr. Cooper says and I clench my hands under my desk.

"Now that we have the full attention of Miss Parker I can tell you about the field trip we have planned for this class in honor of being the top school in New York City. We will be going to Stark Industries!" Mr. Cooper and the whole class cheers.

I roll my eyes at there antics. There wasn't anything very special about SI. I may be biased as I lived on the top ten floors but whatever. 

"I sent all of your guardians an email and all of them have allowed you to go on the trip tomorrow," Mr. Cooper says and I slam my head on my arms that are crossed on my desk.

If Mr. Cooper emailed Pepper he would have used female pronouns and then she would tell Tony, which would lead to Tony and the rest of the Avengers plus Pepper coming to my defense on the trip for Mr. Cooper misgendering me yet again.

"Class you are all dismissed except Megan who I want to talk to after class," Mr. Cooper says and I get up to go and am almost out the door when Mr. Cooper calls me back.

"Megan I said I want to talk to you," Mr. Cooper says with a glare.

Ever since Mr. Cooper somehow saw my birth certificate he has been misgendering me and verbally abusing me. I say back as the last student leaves the classroom.

"Megan Megan Megan. What are we going to do with you?" Mr. Cooper asks with a snarl.

"My name is Peter," I say and look down at the floor.

"That is not your real name!" Mr. Cooper yells in my face.

"Yes, it is, May legally changed it three years ago!" I yell back.

"No! Your name is Megan Parker, You're a girl!" Mr. Copper yells and I wince. 

"You give girls and boys a bad name, you're disgraceful!" Mr. Cooper yells at me and I have to fight not to cry in front of him.

"Get out of my sight before I give you detention," Mr. Cooper spits out.  

I rush out of there as fast as I can and head straight to the bathroom where I throw up all of my lunch. Now that I was alone I could finally let the tears fall. Why did I have to be seen as less? Why can't I just be normal and be a girl in a girl's body? 

"Hey man, are you in here?" Flash questions opening the bathroom door that leads into the hallway. 

"Y-yeah, I'm here," I call out coming out of the stall. 

I walk over to the sink and splash some water on my face. I was feeling awful now and I was both hungry and wanting to puke. 

"Look, man, don't listen to him. He's just an old fart who's stuck in his own ways and doesn't know how to change," Flash says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Steve and Bucky changed when I told them," I say. 

"Yeah but their both gay and married to each other," Flash says with a smile I can see in the mirror. 

"I guess you're right," I say but I can't help the doubt that it's a lie.

"I have to get home if I don't want my parents to get mad," Flash says and I nod. 

"Alright, See you tomorrow," I say and Flash walks out of the bathroom. 

I splash my face with some more water and walk out of the bathroom and outside to where Happy is waiting in his car to talk me home. I open the door and then shut it behind me. 

"Hi, Happy," I say in a fake enthusiasm. 

"What's wrong? Is it Mr. Copper again? Do I need to go beat him up?" Happy questions and I laugh. 

"Yeah it was Copper, no you don't need to beat him up and I'm just fine," I say with a fake smile. 

"Well you only need to say the word," Happy says and I smile. 

"Thanks, Hap," I say. 

The rest of the drive in spent in silence but it was no longer an angry silence. When Happy pulled to a stop outside of the tower I got out and thanked him for the ride and walked in. I waved to various people as I walked through the lobby and over to Mr. Starks personal elevators and I stepped in. 

"FRIDAY, where is Mr. Stark?" I question looking at my watch and seeing that I was a few minutes late thanks to Mr. Copper.

"He's in his lab currently and has been notified of your arrival and mood in the car," FRIDAY says and I nod. 

It wasn't good that Mr. Stark knew about my mood because he would track it back to Mr. Copper and then go possibly murder him for making me sad which would be really bad. Once the doors open I walk out of the elevator and into the lab where it appears that Mr. Stark tried to make something close to a hoverboard and was now flying around the room screaming for help with his feet strapped to the board.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and walk over to a remote that is laying on the floor and flip the off switch and Mr. Stark's board stops moving and he falls to the ground.

"Thanks, kid," Mr. Stark says and I shrug.

"No problem Mr. Stark. I'm going to head up to my room now," I say and turn to leave but Mr. Starks hand on my shoulder stops me.

"Pep told me about the email, Pete. I'll call my law-" I put a hand up to stop Mr. Stark and sigh.

"It dosen't matter Mr. Stark," I say and leave the room with a sigh and I also leave behind a very angry billionaire who just wants to help his kid by forming a plan in his mind that you would not want to be on the negative end. 

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