Venom (completed)

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I was tired, I really tired. I've been awake for over 48 hours and was about to fall asleep in the alleyway I was in as I change out of my suit to head back to Aunt Mays.

I'm pretty sure that I am hallucinating as I see a black blob coming towards me. I blink and the blob is still there.

Now being the genius I am I decide to poke it. I get it, don't poke moving things that you don't know what they are but can you blame me? I experiment with everything I can get my hands on even if I have no clue what will happen.

Maybe that's why I have blown up Mr. Stark's lab a few times this month.

Needless to say in the future I won't be poking things I don't know about (who are we kidding, of course, I will) because it climbs my arm.

It feels like water and it's ticklish and I giggle a bit even if an unknown living thing is climbing my arm.

Once it reaches my chest it starts sinking through my clothes and into my skin. I start panicking and claw at my shirt and chest.

Where the heck did that thing go? I mean it didn't go into me did it? I feel around me and look down on my body and see nothing.

What in the world is wrong with me? Have I not slept in that long?

"You are not low on sleep human. I have taken host in your body," A deep raspy voice says somewhere and I let out a very manly shriek.

"Who's there? Who said that?" I ask looking around and seeing nothing other than a filthy alleyway, trash cans, and my backpack.

"I am inside your head, you stupid human. Are all humans stupid?" The voice says and I jump again.

"I am not stupid. Why are you in my body?" I question and feel a stirring in my chest as if someone was shrugging.

"I felt like it," The voice says and I glare at the wall.

"You know you can't just go into people's body's because you feel like it," I scold.

"Just get us some food! " Venom yells inside my head and I wince.

"You don't need to yell," I say while frowning.

"I want fish!" Venom yells and I wince.

"Well you need to be patent intel I get back home, then I can make you fish if you stop yelling," I reason and feel as if I huff.

"Fine," The voice says.

"How about we start with names? My name is Peter," I say and hear a huff.

"People call me Venom," The voice, now Venom says.

"That is a very interesting name," I say joking.

"I want food," Venom demands and I laugh a bit, he sounded like a child other than his voice.

"You just need to be patent," I say.

I then swing up and out of the alleyway and decide to go to the tower instead. Mr. Stark would know what the hell is going on with me. Instead of softly landing on the outside of the tower I end up smacking into it hard.

"You are very stupid," Venom says and I grumble.

"Whatever," I say and open the window

"You know I have a point," Venom says and I roll my eyes when I climb in the window.

"I don't care if you have a point or not. You can't just go around saying people are really stupid," I scold and hear Venom grumble.

"I can go around saying people are stupid or not. I am stronger then you so if we dual I will come out victorious! " Venom yells and I wince, making my way across the living room where most of the Avengers are.

"You know it's very vain to presume that you would win in a fight between us. If I really used all of my strength against you I could win," I say and to my aunt and uncles, it seems as if I am talking to myself.

"Peter? You doing ok there?" Uncle Bucky questions.

"Yup, just talking," I say and walk into the kitchen with my aunt and uncles trailing after me confused as to why I am talking to myself.

"What is their problem?" Venom questions and I laugh.

"Nothing, they are probably just hungry," I say and walk to the cabinet and grab three tuna cans.

"Well, I'm hungry!" Venom yells and I laugh again.

"Don't worry, you're going to get fed," I say and go about making a simple tuna salad.

"Good because your kidneys are starting to look good," Venom says and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever," I say and start eating.

"Peter, are you sure your ok?" Aunt Nat questions and I nod.

"Yup, just gave some kind of black sludge who calls himself Venom inside of me at the moment and he's hungry," I say and start eating plain tuna salad no matter how weird that sounds.

"So there you are Venom!" A new male voice yells at the end and I turn and see a very disheveled looking nan with his hair sticking up everywhere.

"Who are you?" I question.

"That would be Eddie. He used to be my host," Venom growls and I laugh at his tone.

"Come back here!" Eddie orders and I feel Venom sigh.

"See you around Peter. It was good to get to know you," Venom says and I feel a strange tugging in my chest and now the black blob is back outside my body with my family gawking at me.

"Thanks for keeping him alive. Gotta go now, see ya," Eddie says and Venom absorbs into his body. Eddie then turns and runs and breaks through the windows and falls out of sight leaving us all very confused.

"What just happened and why am I eating plain tuna salad?"

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