Staying in Wakanda part 2

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I have been in Wakanda for three years. It was nice. I just turned twenty one about three weeks ago. I was planning on proposing to Niya but she broke up with me about five months ago. It was a mutual break up. Me spending too much time on my work, her not having a job and wanting me to be there all the time. It just didn't work out and I was fine with that.

"Nuro, I'm going to kill you!" Okoye yells while chasing me with her spear and covered in my webs.

"I didn't mean too!" I yell while running on the ceiling.

I run into the entrance hall with Okoye close behind, on the floor. I nearly cheer when it's clear that she can't get to me any time soon. My hearing picks up gasps and I look down on the ground to see the Avengers.

"Oh god, you're the Avengers!" I say while starting to pace on the ceiling while rambling.

"Nuro, come down here," T'Challa says and I pout.

"Scary general lady is trying to kill me," I say and Shuri laughs.

"Your Highness, who is this?" Tony Stark asks and I nearly launch into another round of fanboying.

"This is Nuro, formally known as Peter Parker," T'Challa says.

"That's great but we are here to talk about the disappearance of Spider-Man, it has been over three years since he disappeared," Steve Rogers says.

"D-Do you think he was taken by Hydra?" Bucky Barnes asks and T'Challa and Shuri snort.

"He wasn't taken by them," T'Challa says and I clear my throat.

"Um, that's not entirely true," I say from the ceiling and drop down from the ceiling making every one of the Avengers gasps.

"What are you talking about?" T'Challa asks.

"After I was first kicked out of my aunt's apartment, men in black with the Hydra symbol on their shoulders came and kidnapped me," I say and T'Challa along with Shuri glare at me.

"Why didn't you tell us this? It has been three years," Shuri asks and I wince at the tone of her voice.

"Bad things happened, I didn't want you to worry," I say.

"Who are you?" Mr. Barnes asks and I smile a bit.

"My names Nuro, you probably know me as Spider-Man though," I say while holding my hand out to him, he shakes it, and everyone looks stunned.

"Well that's a strange turn of events," Mr. Stark says.

"Yeah," I say.

"How did you get out and what happened?" Mr. Barnes asks and I shrug.

"They tortured me, tried to brainwash me. Turn me into a WinterSpider. Spiders hate the cold by the way As for getting out, I pretended to be brainwashed. They sent me to kill you but I left," I say and everyone stares at me slack-jawed.

"Why did you just stop?"

"Where have you been?"

"What happened to you?"

These and many more questions were thrown at me but I couldn't make out the rest as it was all jumbled up. I slam my hands over my ears as the questions become louder and louder as everyone tries to be heard. 

"Everyone, quiet!" T'Challa yells and everyone shuts up at the king's powerful voice.

"Thank you. I stopped because someone tried to kill me, two someones actually. I have been here since I disappeared. And the same as the first," I answer quickly.

"People tried to kill you!?"  Mr. Barnes yells and I nod.

"It's really not that surprising, I was kidnapped, tortured, and brainwashed. Someone trying to kill me isn't that big of a deal, plus, while being Spider-Man, I was shot, stabbed and slashed. I've always had someone trying to kill me," I say and everyone seems shocked besides T'Challa and Shuri.

I look over to Mr. Barnes and see that he is pale and starting to shake.

"Mr. Barnes are you ok?" I ask worried for him.

"H-he was with Hydra. He was hurt by Hydra. This is all my fault," Mr. Barnes keeps muttering.

"Hey Buck, it wasn't your fault," Mr. Rogers tries but Mr. Barnes doesn't seem to notice.

"Soldier," I say and Mr. Barnes snaps out of it and looks at me.

"Yes, Sir?" He asks and I sigh, he didn't get too deep.

"Just making sure you're still with us, return to normal," I order and he starts shaking again.

"It's ok," I say and go and hug him.

"What just happened?" Shuri asks and I shrug.

"I don't know but then again, I never really do," I say and now everyone laughs.

"Well, now that is kind of taken care of and the reason for our visit is solved, I have a question," Natasha starts.

"How would you like to come back to New York and join the Avengers?" She finishes and I smile.

"I think I am right where I need to be. New York was good but Wakanda is amazing. I have a home here, a family. In New York, I had nothing. I'm sorry but I will have to turn down your offer. I have too much to lose and I put that life behind me," I say.

T'Challa, Shuri, and Okoye smile while the Avengers just nod excepting my answer.

"Now that the business is taken care of, would you join us for dinner?" T'Challa asks and everyone nods.

I may have had to give up something I loved in my life, but I also found a lot more I love. I love the heat and sun. I love my work. I love the language. I love the people. I love my friends. I love my family. I love everything about Wakanda and I love that I have finally found a home. 

Sure, there are times when I miss a slice of New York pizza and the sky scrappers but there are also times where I love a traditional Wakandan meal and the grass planes. 

I do know one thing though and that's that I have finally found a home and I wasn't leaving it any time soon.

It is kind of short and I posted that I wouldn't be publishing for a bit but I had this finished so I thought I would give you a Wednesday update like normal.

Peace out and I am one hell of a butler.

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