Agent Parker

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I've done on like this before with Peter being an agent of the American government but I wanted to change it up and make another one. Sorry it's a day late!

"Agent Parker, can you please come in here please?" Dad questions and I hum him response as a yes.

I walk into the main room of the hell carrier and see my dad standing in the middle of it with his black coat and eyepatch. If I was anyone else, I would be very intimidated but I knew better, Dad was just a big softy.

"What's up Fury?" I ask and have to fight from calling him dad.

"You have a field trip to the new jersey base next week for school, correct?" Dad asks and I nod.

"Yes sir," I say and dad smiles a bit.

"That's very good. I have arranged for you to spend the time between now and then at the base. You are to oversee everything as there have been whispers of Hydra," Dad says and I nod.

"And tell Carol hi from me," Dad adds and I grin, Aunt Carol was going to be there.

"Will do sir," I say and walk off the deck.

Looks like I have to pack and get a plane lined up for myself. I first go over to a monitor and have a plane prepped to leave in an hour and then dash to my room. I pack three black suits with white dress shirts and black ties, two standard shield uniforms, and five outfits of jeans and science pun t-shirts for school and my suit.

By this time, if I don't hurry I'll be late for the plane. I sling my backpack, suit carrier, and duffle bag over my shoulder and head out. I wave and say high to the agents that pass me as I make my way to the jet bay. 

I may be the youngest agent and person in Shield but everyone respected me. It may have to do with my dad being their boss but I like to hope they really respect me. I pull open the heavy bay door and slip in the small crake and head over to the plane that was prepared and ready to go.

I open the hatch and dump my stuff on the seats and head up into the cockpit. I fit the headphones over my head and start flicking the switches to turn on manual piloting and ease out of the bay.

I fly towards land and it takes me about an hour before I see the coast of New York and I smile, it was the week which meant school. Sure, I loved being a shield agent but I also loved being a normal kid.

I see the landscape come into view and steer the plane to the landing strip in JFK that shield owns. I grab all of my stuff and walk through the airport, showing people my badge when they tried to stop me.

It's not like I wanted to be rude but I was almost late to school. I grab my motorbike from the place I always stash it and pull out of the airport parking lot and speed towards school. I park my bike across the street but quite a few kids see me get off it.

"Hey, Parker! Where'd you get a bike like that?" Flash yells and I roll my eyes and head inside to class.

"Peter, what's with the bike?" Ned asks coming up to me and I sigh.

"Dad wanted to talk to me about going to the shield base so I was late getting to the plane and then to the airport and so on. I had to take it all the way here or I would have been late and with all of my missions I couldn't be late again," I say and Ned grins.

"Your last mission was to Serbia right?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah, some idiot decided that building a bomb was a good idea," I say and Ned looks freaked out.

"Don't worry, it was taken care of," I say and unlock my locker.

"Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" Ned asks and I shrug.

Peter Parker One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now