3. | Everyone Can Dance

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I walked into the kitchen, aimlessly reaching out for something to eat. "Why do I have no food?" I asked, thinking I was speaking quietly, but someone heard me. "Mr. Styles, you're been so busy that you haven't given anyone a grocery list. Did you need me to pick something up?" Andrew asked, looking at me calmly. I ran a hand through my hair. 

"You know what? I think that's a perfect idea, but I'm coming with you. And we're gonna pick up Chloe. She can document what its like when a celebrity goes grocery shopping," I said, grabbing my coat. Andrew sighed. "Mr. Styles, remember. It is 8 in the morning, and she is to be reporting on your professional and private life, not your trips to the grocery store. Remind yourself of that please," Andrew said lightly, and I huffed. 

I just didn't get my management. It was so rare for me to feel a friendly connection with someone, given how busy I am and how crazy my life can get. It was just that Chloe was a real breath of fresh air right now. And every twenty minutes, I get messages from my management telling me to make sure I keep my distance. 

It's just, annoying. 

"Fine, Andrew. I'll go myself." I said, before walking out of the house and to a car. I got inside and started it, while Andrew stood at the window, and I hesitantly rolled it down. Andrew didn't say anything at first, but sighed, and then looked up at me. "Your secret is safe with me, just, don't do anything stupid, and don't get mobbed. Text me the address of the grocery store, I'll be ready to come in case of an emergency and be back here in time, otherwise it's going to be another lecture." Andrew said, and I smiled. "Thank you man," I said, shaking his hand and I drove off, on my way to Chloe's hotel. 

I phoned her when I pulled up beside the building. "Hello?" a tired voice answered. "It's your lucky day! You are going to document Harry Styles going grocery shopping!" I said excitedly. She groaned. "Harry, are you kidding me? I have to write about you going to the grocery store?" she asked, unimpressed. I was brought down by her lack of enthusiasm, but decided the perfect way to get her to come. "Yeah, didn't you read it in the handbook?" I asked, as if it was fact. I could feel her eyes widen. 

"It was in the handbook?" she gasped. I stifled a laugh. "Duh. I wouldn't want to tell my management that you haven't read the entire document, now would I?" I smirked. "I'll be down in five," she said before hanging up. I smiled. Easy-peasy. 

In about five minutes she knocked on the window, and I unlocked the car. "Hey, where's Andrew?" she said, holding her notepad and a pen. I stared at her before I burst out laughing and began to drive away. "Harry? What the hell? What's so funny?" she asked. I shook my head. "You really think going grocery shopping with me is in the contract?" I asked, glancing at her. She rolled her eyes. "I should have known. There's no way that would have been in there," she said, leaning against the window, throwing her notepad and pen to the backseat. 

"Well, you're here now. Maybe you can help me, I actually haven't gotten my own groceries in a few years. It's too dangerous, since I could get mobbed," I explained. "Then what the hell are we doing? Let me guess, the grocery store we're going to has some sort of back exit for us in case a crowd forms? That's just peachy," Chloe said, and I couldn't help but smile. Her apprehension toward my daily life was adorable.

"No, no, I'm just going to go to a less known store where my management usually buys things and act like a normal person. Not everyone knows who I am," I said. Chloe huffed in her seat and closed her eyes, most likely trying to catch up on sleep. "Did you go to bed late?" I asked, and she shook her head. "Try not at all, I was up facetiming my best friend back home, along with composing the first part of the story and texting my ex-boyfriend trying to explain that I wasn't available to talk because I'm across the country from him," she sighed. 

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