25. | You're Feeling Beautiful, Then?

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My head was throbbing as my eyes opened and I quickly took in my surroundings. I groaned as I sat up, feeling the pain in my head intensify. I looked to my left and saw a glass of water and I immediately reached for it and took a huge drink. It momentarily helped, but the pain in my head quickly reminded me I was going to need more than water to help this hangover. 

I swung my legs over the side of my bed and felt tightness around me. I looked down to see I was still wearing the same dress that I had worn last night. I groaned again and slipped it off my shoulders, trading it in for some sweats and a big sweater. I checked my reflection in the mirror and almost scared myself. My curled hair was a mess, sticking out in every which way, and my eyes had full on grocery bags underneath them. 

I reached for a hair elastic and tied my hair into a ponytail and decided to leave my face as it was. It was just me here anyways. 

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed a couple tablets of Advil before chugging them back with some water before walking into the kitchen. I didn't want to even see the mess I left in here last night. I was so wasted I don't even remember how I got home, or how I managed to get myself a glass of water before I crashed, but I was glad I did somehow. 

I poured myself some coffee and rested against the counter of my kitchen.


What the fuck? 

I didn't make this coffee. 

I turned my attention to the living room where I saw nothing, but I slowly walked in to investigate what on earth was fucking happening in my house. I slowly peered over the couch and saw a tall, handsome boy, soundly asleep. Harry. 

Oh my god. He stayed here overnight? He must have been the one who left the water at my bedside, and the one who made the coffee. 

Oh no. I also happened to look like an absolute wench. I felt fear rising in me and I stammered back and banged into my coffee table. I looked down at Harry in horror as I watched him stir before slowly opening his eyes. "Oh shit!" he yelled, causing me to jump again. "Are you okay? I tried to stay up all night, but I started feeling so tired so I made some coffee to stay awake but it didn't work! Are you okay?!" He asked again, urgently sitting up. 

Apart from the hangover, and the fact that I looked like an ogre, I had never been better. 

"I'm just fine, Harry. Thank you for staying. You really didn't have to do that. That's really generous." I beamed, sitting on the coffee table so I could be level with him. He shook his head. "I did. There was no way I was going to leave you here alone. You were a bloody mess. Didn't want to take any chances." He said, and I felt slightly embarrassed. It seemed like whenever I decided to go out and get drunk, which doesn't happen often, he was the one to make sure I got home safe and sound. 

"Thank you. I feel bad that you're always taking care of me when I decide to be irresponsible. I really need to get it together." I admitted and Harry laughed. "How are you feeling?" He asked, and I frowned. "Did you see my face? That's how I'm feeling." I groaned, gesturing to my scary, blotchy, red face that was completely bare to him for the first time ever. 

"You're feeling beautiful, then?" He smirked, his accent making the words sound more lovely than they already were. I managed to give an eyeroll and he laughed. "You walked right into that one!" He protested and I shrugged. He was kind of right. I set myself up for that one. I checked the time on the clock and saw that it read 11:43 AM. 

"Don't you have a whole bunch of stuff to do today?" I asked him, walking back into the kitchen to grab my coffee mug. I was plenty awake now, but I needed something to partially hide my naked face behind. Don't judge me, okay? I wasn't prepared for this today. 

A Day In The Life // H.S. Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora