10. | He's a Model for Gucci, or Something?

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"What am I supposed to do?" I started to panic and Hayley suddenly became interested. "Who's there?" she asked, tilting her head toward me. "Ryan," I said in a hushed tone, and her eyes widened. "Can you please open the damn door!" he yelled from the hallway. I looked back towards Hayley, and her eyes reflected sadness for me. We both knew I had to face this eventually. I reached out to the door knob and twisted it, opening the door to reveal a very angry Ryan.

However, when his eyes met mine, his face softened, and he pulled me into a hug. I was so shocked, I thought he was going to throw a punch or something, but this was the exact opposite. He finally let me go and looked down to me. "Everything is messed without you. You have to know that you mean so much to me and I want to give you the world and more, but you have to be willing to be with me and accept me even at my worst times. This can't be over, Chloe. All this time thrown away? For what? So you can go and screw a famous musician? I don't think so. Can we please talk this through," he pleaded and I gulped.

Just the smallest mention of Harry made me miss him. I missed his laugh, his gorgeous smile, his jokes, his carefree attitude. I missed him so much.

"Chloe? Are you hearing me? Can we at least talk?" he said again, realizing I wasn't really listening. I took a deep breath. "I don't regret what I did. I couldn't be in this relationship anymore, and I think it's best if you go. We don't have anything to talk about," I said, trying to shut the door, but his hand held it open. "It's because of him right? What's his name? Harry Styles? He used to be in that boyband and now he's a model for Gucci or something? You're picking some superficial celebrity over someone you've known for years?" he said, anger rising in his voice.

"You don't even know him, Ryan. Stop making judgements that you can't back up," I sneered at him, trying once again to close the door. "I can do whatever I want," he retorted, and I began to get scared. Hayley was standing halfway down the hallway behind me, and that was making me a bit more calm. It was unlikely he'd do anything to me while she was standing there.

"I'd like you to go," I said again, clearly and confidently. He scoffed. "You don't know what you want," he said, his grip on the door getting tighter. Fear was rising in me quietly, and I was trying to hide it from him. "She said she would like you to go," a voice said from down the hallway. I felt my eyes widen. We both turned to see the last person I ever thought would be standing there, a cup of coffee in his hand, and a calm expression on his face. He slowly took a drink of his coffee and looked back up at Ryan.

"The elevator's right behind me there, lad. It's working fine," he said, looking over his shoulder and then back over to us. Aggression was written all over Ryan's face. "Fuck you, Harry," he spat, turning himself completely to face Harry. Harry just took another drink of his coffee. "All of this trouble hey? Just so you can get into my girlfriend's pants? You're pathetic. Everyone knows you just like to sleep with girls and then run away. That's not going to happen here." Ryan said angrily.

All Harry did was blink, while reading the small details on his coffee cup. He was so calm it was amazing me. "First, I'd like to say, she's not your girlfriend, since she just broke up with you, for the second time. And, might I add that what you've just stated is far from the truth. Typically the girls run away from me because all they want is sex with me, and nothing else. It's a shame, but it's happened plenty of times. I can't say that's exactly what's happening between me and Chloe, since we haven't slept together. And, to be honest, I'm wondering why you're still standing there. Are you afraid of elevators?" Harry said, pretending to be concerned.

"That does it!" Ryan said, running up toward Harry, who was now preparing to defend himself. Suddenly, Mrs. Walsh, the old lady that lives across the hall from me opened her door, and Ryan stopped to look at her. "Is everything okay, dear?" she said, looking at me standing beside Hayley in fear. I took a deep breath and was about to speak when I saw Ryan walking to the elevator, glaring at all of us.

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