31. | Am I Wrong?

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My eyes darted around the broadcasting room in search of a clock. It felt like I'd been here for hours, but as soon as I saw the time, I realized it had only been about fifteen minutes. I internally groaned and forced the smile that was plastered on my face. 

"So, Harry, when can fans expect album 2?" the interviewer asked me, and I felt myself forgetting that I was even on the radio. I tried to smile politely. "I'm still not really sure. I've been writing and recording lots of stuff, so it's just a matter of when it all comes together." I lied through my teeth. My second album was completely ready to go, but the production team and the label haven't given me the green light yet. 

"Ah, well, I'm sure the fans are all looking forward to it." I smiled at him as he ended the interview. I was really tired and just wanted to go home. It had been a long day of promo and I just wanted to make some popcorn and watch a movie. 

I shook everyone's hand in the room and then walked out with Andrew. 

"You okay there, H?" Andrew asked, holding the door open for me. I shrugged. "It's just frustrating when you want to share music with everyone but the label is holding you back. I really want to release this album soon." I said eagerly, collapsing in the backseat of the SUV. Andrew nodded. "But, you haven't even named the album yet, right?" Andrew asked timidly. 

Oh, fuck off Andrew. 

"No." I said hesitantly and Andrew chuckled a little. "Have patience, everything will work out. Look at you and Chloe, you had to be really patient and now look at where you are." Andrew mentioned. A soft smile spread over my lips at the mention of her name. "Are you really that eager to get the music out if it means booking another world tour and leaving her behind for eight months?" 

Oh. Shit. 

"Did you forget that's your job?" Andrew asked, glancing at me in the rearview mirror. I frowned and slumped in my seat. "No. And I love my job, but I just-" "You also love her?" Woah, what the fuck? Andrew laughed a little and raised his eyebrows at me. "Am I wrong?" He asked me. I just continued to stare at him before shrugging and looking out the window. 

"I feel very strongly for her." I said instead. Andrew nodded, but he didn't look convinced. "Harry, you've never really had a serious relationship with any girl before. Do you know how you're supposed to handle leaving her behind for two thirds of a year?" Andrew asked me. Honestly, I had no idea. My first thought was that she would come with me, but she has a job that she loves and I can't ask her to leave her entire life and come jet around the world with me for eight months. That's not a lifestyle many people want to live.

"Just, think about it. Think about it really well, okay?" Andrew said and I nodded. At this point I was past watching a movie. I just wanted to go home and sleep. 


My phone ringing jolted me from my nap and I lazily reached over for it and accepted the call. I didn't even look at the called ID. "Hello?" I said tiredly. The voice on the other end laughed at me. "Hello, sleeping beauty." Chloe snickered from the other end. I shook my head and smiled. "Fuck off." I said jokingly which caused her to laugh as well. 

"I was just phoning to see how the radio interview went." She said softly and I felt comforted. "It went okay. I feel bad for having to lie about the fact that I don't have music ready but that's just how it goes I guess." I shrugged. "Aw, poor baby." Chloe soothed and I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I am a poor baby. This poor baby is also lonely. Want to come over?" I glanced at the clock and saw that it was just after 7pm. 

"Yeah, sure. I just got home from work and Hayley is at Niall's anyway." Chloe said, and then put the phone on speaker so she could shuffle around and put her things from work away. "Hayley is at Niall's? Okay what the fuck is happening with them?" I asked, cuddling into my duvet. "I have no idea. Back in New York, Hayley was dating Evan on the lowkey for a couple months, and when she moved here they broke up. I hope she's not treating Niall as her rebound. Niall is a good guy, I don't want him to just be Hayley's bounce-back guy." Chloe admitted. 

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