29. | He Knew

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I sat nervously in the chair and checked the time again. I was waiting at a café because I was meeting Gemma, Harry's sister, for lunch.

And don't ask me why. He had mentioned that she wanted to meet me and came back to LA with him so she could. So who was I to refuse her a lunch date when she'd come all this way? 

But I was fucking terrified.

This is Gemma Styles we're talking about here. She's not only Harry's sister, but she's also incredibly well known for her own work and to an ordinary person just sitting in a café, that's extremely intimidating. 

It was a bit cooler today in LA, and after this Hayley and I were going shopping for some home décor and then heading to Niall's later for a movie night. God, I just said that like it was so normal. So many girls would kill to experience what I've already experienced multiple times. 

"Chloe?" A voice broke me out of my trance and I turned to look at a girl standing in front of me. She took off her sunglasses and held out her hand to me. "I'm Gemma." She smiled sweetly at me. She looked a lot like Harry. "I'm Chloe." I said nervously, shaking her hand. "Oh God, you're not nervous are you? I'm not here to interrogate you or anything, I promise! Harry would kill me," Gemma comforted me as she slid into the chair opposite of me. That made me feel a little better. 

"It's really nice to finally meet you. I decided to fly back to LA with Harry because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about! Sorry I couldn't make it to the party last night, I was catching up with another friend, but I'm hoping you didn't mind meeting for lunch?" Gemma's kindness was a complete breath of fresh air. "Lunch is great. And I love your sunglasses by the way." I felt a bit more relaxed and finally was easing into the conversation. 

"Thanks! They'd look amazing on you! Try them on!" She handed me the pair and excused herself to go and order something from the counter to eat. I slid the sunglasses on and she gave me the thumbs up and a wink from across the café and I laughed. When she came back I handed her the sunglasses back. She gently refused.

"Keep them! I did design my own line, so I can pretty easily get another pair." She smiled, sipping the latte she ordered. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Definitely. It'll get me one step closer for being chosen as maid of honour at your wedding with my brother, the idiot." She winked and we both burst out laughing. There was a look on her face though that told me she'd probably talked about something similar with Harry before. That made me nervous again.

"So, Chloe. I've heard tons about you from Harry, like what you do and whatever, which by the way is super impressive. But, I was kinda hoping I could get to know the girly-er side of you?" She smiled, taking a bite of her panini. I swirled the spoon around in the soup I had ordered before she showed up. 

"What would you like to know?" I smiled back at her. "What's your favourite colour of dress to rock?" Her eyes lit up and I felt at ease again. She was very easy to talk with. "My go-to is always a black number. Something sleek and a bit sexy at the same time." I shrugged and Gemma nodded in approval. "A black dress can be life changing, honestly! What's your favourite hairstyle?" She tilted her head at me. "Usually just down naturally, but I do absolutely love doing it up every now and then!" I gushed to her. 

"Right? That's the best feeling!" She smiled. I took this opportunity to sneak in a question of my own. "What's your favourite type of shoe?" I lifted my eyebrows at her and she looked at me dramatically. "Girl! You just asked me an impossible question!" She laughed, which caused me to laugh as well.  "Can I be really honest with you for a second?" She asked and I nodded my head. 

"Harry has always been keen on being with models, or popstars, and this is the first time I've met a girl he's interested in who isn't a giant celebrity, and might I just say, I've never met someone more perfect for him than you." Gemma smiled sweetly at me. "Really?" I asked, feeling my cheeks heat up. All of this talk about Harry was making me miss him. 

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