30. | Tell Me About It

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"How was your weekend?"Jace asked me without looking up from his computer. A smile fell over my face and I was suddenly glad he wasn't looking at me. "My weekend was great, how about you?" I chirped and plopped down into my cubicle, beginning to go over some of the assignments for the week. "I proposed to Angela. She said yes." He said, turning his attention toward me, while smiling like an idiot.

"Jace! That's amazing! When is the wedding?" I asked, and he shrugged. "Not for awhile. We need to save and stuff, and she wants to plan it out and everything. But I was hoping you'd save the non-existent date?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at me. I laughed. Jace and I had become good office buddies, and I felt extremely honoured to be invited to the wedding, even if there was no date yet. 

"Of course!" I said, logging onto my computer. "Great! Now, you have to tell me what the smile on your face is all about," he smirked at me, "You're never this happy on a Monday morning." He joked and I stuck my tongue out at him. "I just had a really great weekend, okay?" I tried to fend off his curiosity but nothing would work. "Does your really great weekend involve Harold Styling from Forward Direction?" He teased, and I felt the urge to correct him, but I knew he was just joking. 

"Maybe." I finally gave in. "Ah, I see. Did you guys fuck?" He asked straight out and I gasped. "Jace! You can't just say stuff like that." I said, but my surprise later faded to laughter and he smiled at me. "Am I wrong though?" He asked, a smirk crossing his face. I blushed profusely. "Not exactly, but there's a little more to it than that." I smiled to myself. Jace nodded.

"So you're together now?" Jace asked, and I gently nodded my head. "Yes, but it's pretty lowkey. So, just promise you'll keep it to yourself?" I asked and Jace nodded. "You have my word. So, what was the first thing you guys did as a couple?" Jace asked me, sipping some of his coffee. "He brought me to the studio and he played me his second album, all the way through." I blushed, thinking of the memory. 

"That's fucking adorable. The first thing Angela and I did as a couple was go to her cousin's wedding and one of my ex-girlfriends was there. It was so awkward." He said and we both started laughing before focusing in on the projects we had been assigned. 


"Hayley?" I asked, as I walked through the door to our apartment. I set my things down on the island in the kitchen and waited for her response. Instead, Niall came strolling through into the kitchen. "Oh, hey." He said casually as he walked towards the sink, filling up a glass of water for himself. "Uhm, hey?" I asked, confused. "Hayley's at an audition." Niall said, sipping his water. "Cool, but why are you here?" I asked, still confused. Niall shrugged. "I have your spare key. I was in the neighbourhood and felt like stopping by but no one was here. I phoned Hayley and she said she was at an audition but that you would be home soon, so I stuck around. Want to hang out?" Niall smiled at me.

There were lots of things to process in that sentence. 

"You hold our spare key? Since when? When did we even get a spare key?" I asked. I needed to talk with Hayley about this. Niall laughed. "Hayley had one made. She said back in New York your friend Evan had the spare key to your apartment. So she decided to give it to me so you guys had a spare in case you were ever in need of one." Niall smiled. 

Oh, that was interesting. 

"I see." I said, trying to process everything. "So, want to hang out? I know I'm no Harry, but I can be fun too. Want to go mini-golfing?" He offered and I couldn't help but laugh. "Sure. But we can't be gone for too long, okay? Harry and I were going to hang out after his meetings and stuff today." I said, grabbing my purse. "Okay, fine. I have a studio session later anyway." Niall said, with a playful frown. I laughed.

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