22. | Nothing?

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Hayley's eyes looked at me sympathetically. I felt guilt run through me and I suddenly wondered if this was a good idea at all. Then, I stopped myself and reminded myself that I was doing the right thing, for me, for a change. 

"Look, just know you can always come back here. This is always going to be your home, Chloe. I love you and never forget it. With that being said, you better kick ass in LA. I'm counting on it." She laughed, and went back to being her bubbly and encouraging self. I nodded and pulled her into a hug. 

Living without her was going to be so weird. It was going to feel so different living alone in general. All my life I'd lived with others, and now I was truly going out on my own, in pursuit of my own happiness. I felt incredibly proud of myself. 

"Travel safe, okay?" Hayley said, smiling gently at me, and I nodded. 


The apartment in LA was small, that was for sure. But, there wasn't much I could afford, so this was going to have to do for now. As I began to unpack my things, I heard my phone ringing, and I smiled, assuming it was going to be Hayley for the fifth time that hour, checking in. 

I was proven wrong though, since the name and number that flashed on the screen did not belong to her. "Hello?" I answered while picking things out of boxes. "Chloe! Hey!" A voice rang through, and I couldn't help the smile that spread over my face. "Hey Niall, what's up?" I asked, taking a seat on top of one of the boxes. 

"Oh, you know, same old. You?" He asked politely. "Okay, I guess. Been better," I said honestly and I heard him hum in agreement on the other end of the phone. "So I've heard," he replied and I felt my cheeks heat up. "You've heard?" I asked shyly and he nodded slowly. "Harry called to talk. He said he messed up in asking you to go official. He really wanted it to work, but he said that sometimes he just forgets who he is and ends up hurting people that he really cares about," Niall said, and I felt a tear fall down my cheek. It'd been a few weeks since I last saw or spoke to Harry.

It'd been a few weeks since I'd heard his laugh, kissed his lips, felt his hand holding mine, or seen him smile. I missed him. 

"Chloe?" Niall interrupted my selfish thoughts. "Yeah, sorry. I'm just stressed about unpacking and stuff, and I just, I'm tired. And I feel awful about the way things ended with Harry. I was kidding myself, Niall. In what world would I ever end up with Harry? I was stupid to think anything else." I said, letting out a huge breath of air. 

"Wait, stressed about unpacking what?" Niall said, and I frowned. "Really? That's what you got from that?" I asked, rolling my eyes. Typical guy. "No, I heard it all. But what are you unpacking?" He pressed. "My things. I moved." I said simply. I heard fumbling on the other line and I frowned in confusion. What was going on?

"You moved? You moved where?" Niall asked in an urgent tone. "I decided to move out to LA. Felt like time for a change." I said and I heard him sigh, almost in relief. Was he glad I hadn't moved too far or something? "You're in LA? Cool, I'll come over and help you unpack!" Niall said, and before I could even begin to think about protesting, he quickly blurted, "Text me the address! I'll be over in a few!" And then the line went dead. 

Well, great. Now Niall Horan was coming over to my very small apartment to help me unpack. If you would have asked me a year ago where I would be right now, this is the very last thing I would have ever predicted. Actually, no, scratch that, it wouldn't have been the very last thing because it's not even something I would have predicted at all. 

In about a half an hour there was a knock on the door and I opened it up to reveal Niall standing there with McDonald's and a package. "Thought you might be hungry!" He said setting the food on the counter and I smiled at him. "I also brought you a little house warming gift," Niall smiled and I looked at him confused, but opened the gift up. 

A Day In The Life // H.S. Where stories live. Discover now