24. | More Than You Could Have Imagined

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When I woke up the next morning, I instantly grabbed my phone. I didn't want to seem too desperate or needy though, so I restrained myself from calling her for the moment, and rolled out of bed and into the shower.

There were so many things I wanted to know. Why did she decide to move to LA? Why didn't Hayley come with her? What about her parents? She didn't talk about them much, but when she did, it was full of resentment. What did they think about this? What did Ryan say? Does he even know or did he finally just give up on her? Hopefully he just gave up. I don't think it's fair for her to go through that anymore.

I quickly made myself some breakfast and after waiting a nice, solid half an hour, I picked up the phone and dialled Chloe's number. My heart was beating faster than I thought possible as I waited for her to pick up.

"Hello?" a tired voice said from the other end. Relief flooded through me. Half of me was expecting her to not pick up at all. "Hey. Did I wake you?" I asked, glancing at the time to see it was 7:10 in the morning.

"Maybe. What is it with you and phoning me at 7:10 AM?" She groaned, and I frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked, climbing back into bed and snuggling into the sheets. "The second day I was doing the story. The day after I met you. You phoned me in my hotel at 7:10 in the morning to invite me to the studio to watch you record and stuff." She said tiredly, but I can almost hear the smile in her voice.

I remembered the morning she was referring to. I remember that she complained that it was so early, and I explained it wasn't early if you hadn't gone to sleep yet. I had been up all night, writing a song. It was about her too. About how beautiful she looked when she walked into my house that day.

"Right, yeah, I remember. And you weren't to happy about how early it was." I laughed. "Yeah, I'm not keen on early mornings." She admitted and I raised my eyebrows. "But you're talking to me right now." I smirked and I could hear her eyes rolling as I laughed to myself. "I guess I am. I have to get ready for work, anyways." She said with a sigh and I felt sadness in my chest.

"I forgot you had a job." I said without even thinking about it. Sometimes I'm such an idiot. "I mean, I know I just started it and all, but I told you about it like 12 hours ago. You really have that bad of a memory?" she teased and I felt a bit better that she wasn't offended by my ignorance.

"I'm just an idiot." I replied, hitting myself in the face. "Well, there's no fighting you on that one." She snickered and I smiled. "What are you doing after work today?" I asked, a smile spreading across my face at the thought of being able to hang out with her.

"I'm having dinner with my parents." She said in a depressed tone, and I immediately snapped out of my little trance. "Wait, what?" It was all I could muster. I was so fucking confused. "Yeah. My Dad has a law firm here and my Mom runs an interior design company in LA as well. When I told them I was moving, they set up dinner with me immediately. They want to know why I left New York, since I had the internship and everything." She explained.

I guess she had never explained where her parents lived or anything. She had only mentioned them pushing her to pursue a career in journalism, and how she had lived in the eastern United States her entire life, but she had never mentioned where her parents resided or anything. I just picked up on the fact that she wasn't close with them and left it at that.

"Are you happy about it, or upset?" I asked, since she was kind of hard to read. "I'm kind of indifferent. I'm waiting for them to pry me about leaving the internship, leaving Ryan, and all the stuff with you too, I'm guessing." She sighed. Fuck. That's right. Most of our relationship was fairly out there, with plenty of rotten press soaking up fake stories about us being in this intense relationship and whatever else. Her parents have probably seen it all.

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