35. | It's Just Another Day In Our Life

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this is the last chapter !!! also that picture is actually mine, I took it while I was in London (:


I gently shook Chloe awake after the plane touched down in London. She stretched, her eyes slowly opening so she could look out the window. "Wow, it's so green and lush." Chloe said, her eyes dancing with wonder. It was the middle of summer, and it was one of the prettiest times of the year here. 

I tapped her shoulder and when she turned to look at me I puckered my lips and Chloe chuckled before leaning in to kiss them. "I love you." She whispered against me. "Thank you so much for this." 

I kissed her again, letting her know how much I love her before gathering our luggage and walking to the car that was waiting on the tarmac for us. "Where are we staying?" Chloe asked, as she looked out the window. "At my house, of course. If you don't mind?" I said, grabbing her hand. Her eyes lit up and she nodded. "I'd be honoured." She smiled sweetly at me. 

"Harry, want to play a car game?" Chloe asked, and I shrugged. "What kind of car games do you know?" I asked. "Oh, just all of them. Do you take me for an amateur, Styles?" Chloe teased. "Oh, definitely not." I winked at her and she blushed. I knew that would get her. "Let's just play iSpy. I'll go first." Chloe declared, and after about five minutes, she was asleep on my shoulder again. 

I smiled and looked out the window as I waited to arrive at home, bringing the girl that I knew at this point I was going to marry with me.


"Harry! Come in." My mom said, wrapping me in a tight hug. Chloe was standing behind me, and I could feel her nervous energy. "Mom, this is-" "Chloe! Oh, I'm so glad to finally meet you. You're a gorgeous young thing, aren't you?" My mom said, wrapping her in a tight hug. Chloe smiled gently at me and gave me a thumbs up from behind my mom's back, causing me to laugh a little. 

"Mom, don't suffocate my girlfriend, okay?" I said, causing her to pull away. "Sorry, dear. I'm just so happy to finally meet you. Harry can yap on the phone all he wants, but nothing beats meeting you in person." My mom said sweetly, causing Chloe to blush. "Thank you, Ms. Styles." She said gently. "Oh, none of that. You call me Anne, okay?" She said and Chloe nodded.

I grabbed Chloe's hand and felt a childish rush of energy. I felt like a teenager all over again. "Come on, I want to show you around." I said to Chloe before giving her the tour of my childhood house. I always loved visiting here, and I was so excited that Chloe was finally here with me. It felt like everything was right in the world. 

My mom made a great dinner, and Gemma joined us. We chatted and played board games before everyone started getting ready for bed. While Chloe was brushing her teeth, I stepped downstairs to take a call from Louis. 

"Hey, mate. Liam and I have just finished setting up everything for tomorrow night. Hayley and Niall's flight got in about three hours ago and we picked them up. Hayley and Niall are just crashing with Liam. Lou and Lottie are finishing up some baking tonight, and Gemma put up a whole bunch of decorations and balloons and stuff. It's a magnificent looking party, and she's going to be so surprised." Louis chirped and I felt happiness rise in me. 

I'd been distant with Chloe for a few weeks before coming on this trip, and it almost cost me the relationship. That entire time, I had actually been trying to organize this surprise party in London for her. Tomorrow I was going to take her sightseeing around London, and end it off with a birthday party in this little park secluded in the countryside about 10 minutes outside of London. She had no idea anyone was here. She was going to be so surprised.

"We have a bit more work to do tomorrow, and Hayley and Niall are going to help us with that, and your mom should be getting here around noon she said. She's brining some cooking as well. And I'm just on my way to the airport with Hayley to pick up Adam." Louis confirmed. I had actually managed to get Adam, Chloe's younger brother, out here for her birthday as well. I paid for the flight and everything, and it was going to be totally worth it to see the look on her face. 

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