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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Scenery passed by as the car's engine roared with life in the background. Hands trembled, but comfort was nearby in a handsome form.

She didn't know for how long she was in his car or the exact location of their destination. All she knew was that they were heading towards his meeting. He had offered to drive her home, but she hadn't wanted him to be late on her account, so they had made the arrangement of him taking her home after his meeting. Apparently, his home wasn't too far from hers.

Presently, though, she was leaning her head against the car window. A frown remained on her lips. Sections of her lips bore a lighter shade of her lipstick due to it being ruined, but she didn't care. Her eye makeup too was probably in a horrendous state. Thankfully, Edmund hadn't mentioned it to her.

Silence existed between them, but it was comfortable. Edmund didn't bother her one bit, but she figured that he was waiting for her to say something. She didn't feel like talking, however. All she desired was to curl up in a ball and forget that the day was happening.

A soft tune started to play on the radio. It was pleasant, but it brought no smile to her lips. Rather, it caused her to bring her feet up onto the seat and fulfill her wish of curling up. Her shoes were long since kicked off, and she noted that the bottoms of her feet were red with soreness still. If she received a couple of blisters, she wouldn't be surprised.

Buildings passed by along with other cars and trees. Fields of grass sometimes greeted her eyes. A part of her wished to lie in the middle of them and fade into them. Maybe, that would be best. Something jolted her out of her dreary thoughts, though.

On her left calf rested Edmund's hand. Hesitant, she peered over to him. His eyes remained on the road, and it wasn't too long after that he removed his appendage from her but not before he gave her skin a comforting squeeze. "Do you need me to stay with you tonight?"

His voice was soft and smooth like honey. There was sweetness to it that she couldn't resist, and it eased her troubled mind. Just above a whisper, she answered, "Thank you." She shifted her body and sat somewhat upright. Her legs remained on the seat, however. (F/n) rubbed her fingers together, debating on whether she should say something else.

Her (e/c) orbs stared over to him briefly. His gaze remained on the road, but there was a peaceful look upon his countenance. She wished that she could experience that feeling in the present moment. Oddly enough, though, her heart and mind calmed down. Gently, her hands traveled up to her chest and lied over her heart. A steady exhale left her before her eyes focused on the road ahead. More buildings filled their surroundings.

"I just don't ..." Another exhale escaped her. "I just don't want to go back."

"Do you want to stay with me?" His tone was casual, and the question seemed harmless enough. (F/n) trusted him as well, and he always was so helpful to her. He never pushed himself on her even with that note. Edmund had been nothing but kind and considerate to her throughout their blooming friendship.

Regardless, she couldn't spend the night at his home. "I ... I can't." A large part of her did, but she had to pack up Reg ... his things for Gi ... that woman. "I need to get rid of his stuff." Barely, her voice was audible, but it appeared that Edmund heard her.

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