Chapter 1

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Lakshya opened his eyes only to see the same darkness he is seeing for last 5 years. Something he is now used to. It's been 5 years now his life have been confined to these four walls. Everyone says he is a prisoner. But he knows very well that he was a prisoner long ago. The day when he start killing people for money, he became a prisoner who is waiting for his ultimate punishment. He prisoned his body from all enjoyments and pleasures. He prisoned his heart from all feelings. He couldn't love anything, anyone..even himself too.. all he had in his mind was regret and guilt.

And then she came to his life. Only to make him fall in love with her. She made his life beautiful with her love and care. He tried to hate her.. pretended to be angry...only to save save her from ruin. He tried to go away from her. But he couldn't. His heart had already fallen for her even before he can realize. She owns his heart.

And today he have no guilt for being a prisoner... for being a murderer. Because life changed for him. She changed his life. He is now experiencing the biggest punishment of his life. It's not's separation...staying away from her. Each minute, each second, he is dying without her.

The door of the jail room opened causing the first rays of sun to enter into it. He remembered how she entered into his life just like how the light engulfed the darkness prevailing there till now.

"Its breakfast time. Come with the plate everyone." A policeman entered into the room and ordered in a rude tone. The others who were sleeping around him suddenly woke up. He stood up and arranged his white shirt and white dhoti currently he wearing. Its been 5 years he used to this jail uniform. He took his plate and entered outside the jail room.

For a moment he enjoyed the fresh air closing his eyes. He smiled. It was a surprise for him when he realized that he started smiling. But again. He knows the person who introduced smiles in his life. He is always thankful for her. The reason why he is happily living his jail days. He can do anything for her.

He moved little and saw other prisoners standing in a queue with their plates. He took a position at the end of the queue. He wondered when he started to be so much patient. If it was the old devil, he wouldn't have wait for anything. But now, he is one of the best prisoner with his good behavior and peaceful nature. For that reason the policemen inside the jail likes him.

"Lakshya there is a letter for you.." it was then one of the guard called for him.

" it was then one of the guard called for him

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His face suddenly brightened. He was waiting for the same letter for past two days. He doubted why the delay this time unlike the previous months. He smiled and rushed to the guard leaving the queue.

"Are you not having your breakfast?" Someone from the queue asked him.
"No.."he said taking the letter from the guard.
"Thank you.."he said smiling and kissed the letter.

And then he walked to his room without bothering the giggling and teasing from the crowd. He took a seat on the floor and slowly opened the letter. A smile never leaving his face.

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