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Rosemary sat in the student lounge with Archie, Veronica, and Betty. Betty was telling her friends about how her mother and father, when they were in high school, had a child they put up for adoption. Archie and Veronica were listening very intently to the story but Rosemary was staring at her phone in annoyance. Jughead hadn't answered any of her texts of calls, and he didn't show up at her house for a ride to school.

"The craziest thing is," Betty continued, snapping Rosemary out of her zoned out state. "I have a secret brother out there in the world."

"It's positively Dickensian," Veronica nodded. "I love a long-lost brother. How old would he be?"

"Mid-twenties," Betty shrugged.

"Oh my God," Veronica whispered to herself before speaking up. "A blond Adonis, no doubt."

Rosemary's cell phone buzzed and she looked at the contact to see a picture of her and Jughead and his name pop up on the screen. Quickly, she stood up and answered.

"Hey," Rosemary sighed in relief. "Where are you? Have you been getting my messages? Why didn't you come to my house this morning?"

"Woah, slow down, Ro," Jughead laughed on the other line. "I'm fine. I'm at Southside High rig-"

"You're what?" Rosemary gasped and ran her fingers through her hair, turning to face her friends as she listened to the background noise on the phone. She heard the metal detectors and beeping in the back and instantly know he was telling the truth because of how Toni Topaz, Sweet Pea, and Fang Fogarty had described Southside high to her.

"This is where I belong," Jughead sighed as his voice dropped to a whisper. "Okay? Let's talk about this after school. Please don't worry about me."

"Jughead Jones," Rosemary hissed into the phone. "I swear if you hang up on me-"

Rosemary was cut off by the call ending and she sighed, quickly shoving her phone in her jacket and turning to face her friends.

"Where is he?" Veronica asked from Archie's side with a frown.

"Southside High," Rosemary shook her head as she looked around and started collecting her stuff. "He said it's where he belongs a-and that no one wants him here. We talked about it last night but h-he didn't tell me he was... Shit, Jug."

"FP warned me Jughead would cut himself off," Archie sighed. "Go to the dark side."

"This isn't fucking Starwars, Arch," Rosemary hissed as she grabbed her bag and leather jacket off of the cushioned chair.

"We can't let him do that," Betty spoke up.

Rosemary nodded and threw on her leather jacket. All four teens rushed out of the student lounge and ran for the front doors of the school. All three of them nearly slipped as they slid on the newly cleaned tiles, and Rosemary actually put her hands down for a moment to catch herself.

Rosemary ⋇ Jughead JonesWhere stories live. Discover now