Chapter One

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A/N: Hi thank you for popping over..... Yeah I see you😏 lol. Okay to the point.... This is my first novel ever, kind of exciting. And please do not plagiarize this book or anyone's we all put a lot of work to our books.
Also, There might be mistakes feel free to correct. Thank you again for considering this book. And I hope you'll enjoy Mary and John's journey and also get touched or moved in any way😊. So as you read, I hope you'll like it and thanks again. O and this chapter is the only chapter with a tiny bit of mature content, but I won't say the whole book's completely yeah, Thanks again. God bless, carry on 😊.

Hi....again, so I finished this book about a year ago, so right now I'm making a few changes, it won't really affect the story line but I just decided to change some things to make it all align. Thank you Carry on.😊

©All rights reserved.

...........................My life
Mary...that name doesn't suit me....unlike Mary in the bible.... I am definitely nothing like her. I'm 19 I should've probably been in college by now, maybe studying law, having friends, partying, living life to the fullest and maybe even have a boyfriend or a best friend that I could share my problems with, a shoulder to cry on....yeahh that'll be nice, a comforting arm.... I shouldn't deceive myself, never, in my wildest dreams.

I'm stuck here, I can't get out no matter how hard I try, I'll probably keep sleeping with men for a living till maybe I die of STD, but I use protection, or commit suicide which for some reason I don't want to maybe I think there's so much more or I'd really like to kill my brother.......but I can't... I can't blame him, he probably doesn't know what I'm facing but still he could've hired a nanny if he couldn't take care of me and he hasn't tried to reach me. Even if he did my uncle would tell him that I'm doing great. But still, he isn't trying hard enough.

Speaking of my uncle, he told me that this is the only way I get to live and survive and unlike the other girls, he gives me "special treatment", like that's supposed to make me feel any better. But yeah he does give me special treatment, he hasn't slept with me or tried to, my clients age range are between 21 to 45, sometimes to 50, unlike my coworkers whose age range would be up to 70 or even 80, so you could say he has a bit of respect for his brother's daughter and that also explains why I am being envied.

Most of the girls are here because they want a chance to meet rich successful men and hopefully date them and get all the money they want, a few actually get the chance to have a relationship, if I'll call it that. Despite making all the money they'd come right back, with part of the money.. More like most. And other girls... well this is their only way to make money since their parents cut them off or they don't have any family here...but I believe there's a lot more for them, some thing beyond this.......... something better than being used as a toy.....well at least I believe that....for them there's no way I'm getting out, I have no choice, my only real family doesn't even want me, not like I know an aunt or another relative I can run to. I'm trapped.... probably for ever.

But what if there was a way what if- "we're here" The limo driver said snapping me out of my thoughts, realising we have just arrived the house of my today's client. It's 7:00pm at least it should be considering we left about 6:30pm. Turning from the window to my uncle beside me,
"be good, okay" he said in a nice tone but I still saw threats in his eyes as if saying treat the client bad you get less money, less money, no money for you.

My uncle, Luke, is a man in his middle forties tall about six feet, muscled, short curly black hair with a tint of grey hair, all the way down to his beard and something about his brown skin, so radiant, yep he definitely moisturises, his skin looks great . Unlike my skin, sad, pale, not horrible but, I definitely need some coconut oil or whatever.
" Yeah..okay sure" I said trying to sound convincing, Luke nodded. We got out of the limo, a nice duplex home coming into view. The house looked so comforting almost like a family home, too welcoming for just one man to be living in.
"he better not be married" I whispered to myself. I said that like I haven't slept with a married man, I have and guilt keeps eating me up inside. At least I hope he isn't.

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