Chapter thirteen

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The Charity event.....

I woke up to my phone buzzing, I ignored it the first time too sleepy to hope it's John.
I grabbed my phone. And I recognized it as John's number. Well I memorized it so.... Hehe, yeah. I smiled as I was about to press answer and I remembered the text messages and voice mails he kept sending asking if he could call. Well basically if the coast was clear.
I guess today he figured I'll be at the apartment.
"Hello, Happy Birthday Mary"
"Happy Birthday!!!!" I winced at Alice's high pitched voice.
"Thank you John. And thank you, Alice, it means so much."
"Nah it's all good."
"Would you excuse me, you've already said happy birthday." I laughed as John scolded his sister.
"So... You had a good night sleep?" He asked.
"Yeah.... It was great, thanks."
"How's the preparation for the event"
"Oh it's all good, I mean now they're confident that I wasn't some girl that wanted to just be nice and couldn't sing, so yeah it's okay."
John laughed.
"Alright, so same time?"
"yeah 6 o'clock prompt"
"yes ma'am, but do you mind if I come over? I mean, I just thought we'd meet before the event."
"I can't take any chances, I mean I already told Luke about the event but, he could show up so..."
"Well okay. See you at the event then? Oh and wait, I sent a text, so check it out "
"okay, I will"
"yeah, so see you soon "
"okay, bye"
I checked the text message.
For I know the plans I have for you, says the lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a better future and hope. Jeremiah 29:11. Happy Birthday Mary :)

I smiled as I read.
"hope...." I said pensively.
"I got to have hope."

A few minutes later my phone began buzzing again. "Hi Mary"
"O hi? " trying to recognize the voice.
"it's Kelly silly"
"Oh wow hey! H-how are you"
"I'm good, Happy Birthday!"
"Thank you so much Kelly"
"No it's fine really." she said. I tried my best not to ruin the moment by asking about Ed. So...
"Well see you later? you're coming for the event right? " I said trying to avoid talking about Ed but it probably didn't because she was supposed to come with him.
"well yeah of course, I'm coming with Ed, so"
"O that's good, that's great" I said relieved.
"well bye"
"bye Kelly, thanks again"
That's good it means they're cool. Phew.

Later that day I rehearsed on my own, picked out a simple white and red floral print flare dress and decided to meet Marilyn and see if they needed more help. Everything was pretty much set. Then we rehearsed one final time to make sure everything was great.
My phone began buzzing again as I was about to leave. Its probably Ed. I'm going to pretend I wasn't a little pissed he didn't call earlier. I thought to myself.

"well if it isn't the birthday girl, Happy Birthday Mary"
"Ed, Thanks so much"
"it's fine, I mean what are friends for? sorry I called late, I'm preparing for a job interview as an accountant , I'm sorry I didn't tell you about that, but I'll make sure I make it in time for the event"
"Hey it's okay, a job interview? that's really great, I hope you get it. "
"Thanks, I've prayed and I believe I'll be fine,"
"Amen you will, well see you soon and just be you okay"
"Thanks, Happy Birthday again"
"Thanks, bye."

Wow, I really hope he gets this job.
It feels good having this much people care about me. Well not so much but, as long as its real, it's feels really good.
I sighed, thinking to myself.


"Mary, Mary!"
" You'll be ready in five" one if the male organises said to me back stage. I was a nervous wreck. why did I sign up for this. Clearly I'd forgotten how terrifying it is, not just standing, but singing in Front of a crowd.
"I my my, I can't do this "
"what! You're going in five minutes, you can't bail!"
"Sorry I mean......haaaa" I tried literally shaking off the nervousness. Nope it didn't work.
"What's going on?" Marilyn asked.
"She's about to bail" the organiser said as he slapped and palmed his face.
"No I'm not I'm just-"
"Mary?" Marilyn began.
"You can do this okay, you sing amazingly. You have no idea how relieved I was when we confirmed you could actually sing. But hey, sing from your heart, you got this, just be you, okay?"
"Okay," I said still trying to calm down.
I looked through the curtain at the crowd and spotted John standing at the back. I smiled seeing him.
But he came late. Does it matter really! He's here and that's okay.
I didn't bother to look for Ed and Kelly.
"They should be there somewhere" I said to my self.
"Deep breaths okay? " the organiser said.
I actually needed that.
"Okay you can do this, you can do this" I said encouraging myself.

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