Chapter seven

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After the meeting, Winston, the limo driver dropped me off. I was still mad at my Dad for planning a merging without me but I decided to let it go.

I sent Mary a voice mail I probably shouldn't have. I hope I didn't sound desperate or weird. The Ball was in a few days and my Dad was already asking if I'd consider any of his friends' daughters as a date. Thankfully I have Mary. I thought to myself.
Well if she says yes. I hope.

I heard a gentle knock on the door, guessing it was Roland, I'd know that knock anywhere.
"Come in Roland"
"you have a  visitor John"
"A visitor?"
A figure jumped out behind Roland engulfing me with a hug. Alice, I really missed her.
"Welcome back kiddo"
"oh please don't call me that you're just two years older remember..and we're both adults, but yeah you can call me kiddo" she smacked me on the forehead.
"Ouch, that still hurts"
"I know" she replied smiling mischievously.
"o, o, o.... O, o, o, o, " her smile fell to a bit of concern. A bit.
I raised an eye brow confused.
"I am sorry.... I heard about the break up, Dad told me.....I can't believe Stella did that. I mean you're rich and hot, don't find me calling you hot weird I'm your sister I'm not going to lie to you"
"Hey" I placed my hands on her shoulders.
"I'll be fine,okay,"
"yeah I know"
her abrupt answer ached a little.

"Oh come on don't give me that look, I never really liked her, but I had to like her because you loved her. But to be honest she was trying to make you become someone else, to be something your not, and I know that because when she found out her bad boy rich boy became a church boy, she bailed. Count that as a blessing in disguise. You never know. And you've also helped me, remember, you showed me God's love and grace, I just wish Dad can see that too you know. Mom says he's trying but I don't know, are they getting back? I wish but uhh probably not... Anyway I'm tired so see during dinner, and oh I'm here for the Ball so, muah love you."

Typical Alice didn't even give me a chance to speak, I still love her though.
Here's something that'll get her attention.
"Hey Alice" I called.
"I have someone in mind for a date"
"Ahhhhh! eeeeee" I squinted at her scream.
"Really, who!?"
"I thought you said you were tired"
"Oh come on, don't leave me hanging"
"well if she says yes you'll see her"
"ugh... But wait isn't it too soon, it's been like what three or two, four weeks since-"
"we're not dating Ally"
"well how'd you meet"
"well.... That's a story for another day, get some rest"
"at least tell me her name"
"hmm Mary, does your middle name happen to be Joseph?"
"Get out"
"come on!"
"Get out" I said again. I pushed Alice out and slammed the door, I started laughing at my sister's ridiculousness. That's Alice for you. I really missed her.
Anxiously I checked my messages, no missed calls. Then I threw the phone on my bed.
"what's taking her so long" I thought to my self. Then, the phone rang I crabbed it and the caller ID was..... Josh, my best friend. I was happy and disappointed at the same time.

"Hey, Joshy"
"what's up what's up, yo man don't call me that, this ain't kindergarten you know"
"whatever dude"
"haha ma man, what's up with you, I've been calling texting no replies"
"Oh I was at a meeting"
"and you couldn't call back?"
"I'm sorry I was expecting a..."
"a what"
"Umm...  A call, I met a  girl"
"o you little Evans"
"Right back at you Michael B."
"Don't call me that, I'm way hotter than Michael B. "
"Okay if you say so"
"and Chris Evans is way buff than you'll ever be!"
"Ouch! Dude really?"
"The truth hurts, don't worry about it, your time of unlimited buffness is near, that's if you continue going to the gym" I laughed, shaking my head at my friend's choice of words. The kind of  people I surround myself with.

"I'll go back someday Joshy"
"yeah, so who's the girl? What's she like? And hasn't it just been a few weeks since-"
"yes I know" I replied tired of hearing the same statement, even from myself.
"We're not dating, plus I'm trying to avoid my dad's friends trying to set me up with their daughters. I asked her to come to the ball with me and I'm still waiting on her know about the Ball right?"
"Yeah, I do, my Dad was invited so... As a shareholder's son I have to be there, How am I supposed to balance the life of a Basketball player and my Dad's world?"
"You're going to be fine, see this as one the very few Balls you're going to be able to attend."

"Thanks man, hey, where did you meet the girl?"
"It's complicated"
"come on, spill it"
"fine" I sighed.
I knew I could trust Josh, just as I trust Shannon, and also Roland.
I decided to tell him, about Mary.
He knows my secrets, I know his.
He's been there for me.

"Dude.....That's that's wow. Sh-she she seems nice"
"nice? "
"Look I'm just, I'm... Oh if you're Parents find out-"
"they won't, at least for now"
"I mean what if you start to have feelings for her and-"
"even if they eventually find out I don't care, plus the only person I'm worried about finding out is my Dad. Mom will probably understand."
"Josh, it's okay alright, you know, I'll probably tell Alice, its okay"
"well... If you say so. I can't wait to see this beautiful melanin goddess that swept you off your feet."
"Stop it jay"
"what?....and yeah my Mom says she didn't see you in church on Sunday"
"oh, work stuff"
"yeah I figured. So I gotta go."
"Bye Joshy"
"man you playing wit-" 
I ended the call laughing at my friend's annoyance. He saw that coming.

Josh has always been there for me, since my parents separated. My Mom introduced me to God's love while she was away, she'd send some Bible verses and tell me how my old self has died with Christ and how I can become a new creation. And how my sins have been forgiven. She walked me through this journey of redemption and also my sister when she got the chance to. What really pushed her to talk to me was because of the lifestyle I was living. Money, drinking, women. My Mom made me see that there was more to life, an unexplainable unconditional love of  God. I decided to settle with Stella, but... She ended things. I just can't help but think that she prefers my old self. Well except for the women part, I wasn't really a great boyfriend either. We dated for almost a year. Her Dad and my Dad's friendship, still went on, but there are some rough edges. On my part and Stella's.

I checked my phone one more time. The same disappointment, no messages no missed calls.

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