Chapter twenty

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                      Dedicated to o990T211
I woke up not sure how long I was out. I  wasn't sure if I was dead or alive as I squinted at the light.
My eyes adjusted. Oh it's just the sun rays, I thought to myself. Wait where am I? I looked around the room and tried sitting up. I winced at the surging pain that shot through my lower left abdomen.
I looked at the bandage wrapped around. Oh I was shot.... And I'm at a hospital. Regaining my memory I laid back down.

A nurse came in, seeing me awake, she smiled. "Oh you're awake, great. Uh you have some visitors would you like them to come in? " She asked still smiling.
"uh, yeah sure" I said smiling back.

A few minutes later the door opened, Alice walked in with a smile and her parents followed behind. Wait where's John?  Best for last remember? I shook my head smiling at my thought.
"I heard what happened and I took the quickest plane back here" Alice said hugging me also being careful with the wound.
"How are you feeling?" Mrs Patterson asked.
"I'm okay, I guess."
"We're glad you're okay" Mr Patterson said.
I smiled at them gratefully.
"We brought flowers." Alice said putting the beautiful roses in a vase.

"Hi" John said coming in nervously. And there he heart.
"hi" I said smiling back. He's okay.
"okay Mom and Dad let's give these two some time together" Alice said pushing her parents out.
As they left John began.
" I'm sorry, I should have been there, I-"
"No, it's okay"  I said cutting him off.
He walked to me, cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. We kissed with  passion and fear, fear that we would have lost each other. But we were here now..... thank God.

"I love you" he said as we separated.
"I love you too" I said to him and he kissed my fore head.
"you made me worried sick." he said.
"Especially the phone call, I thought something happened to you." he continued.
"well I'm fine now aren't I?"
"well, yeah. But still."
I smiled at him and said."but I'm okay." Then he smiled knowingly.

"How long was I out?" I asked.
"well, about two days, but it's important that you're fine."
"okay, but I don't understand how did the cops and Marcus and everything, what happened?" I asked.
"well let's say we had help. I'll be right back."
A few minutes later he came back with Marcus. He sure has a lot to explain. He had a few bruises on his face and arm but he seemed okay.
"you we're an undercover cop the whole time? " I asked a bit pissed he didn't act sooner.
"Well yes, we've been trying to track him for a while. He changed his name a couple of times but some how stuck with Luke. Luke is a smart guy, we had to study him and the people he worked with, he's being doing this for years. I had to show them my loyalty or I'd never get to the roots. We suspected your disappearance had to him but we needed a way in. We didn't just need to get him, we needed to take him out from the inside out."
"wait how did you know about my disappearance?" I asked, I already knew what was coming but I wasn't ready for it.

"Oh yeah, your brother has been trying to look for you."
"Oh" so he did care.
"But.. how, how did you even get to him.... I mean it's Luke" I asked
"The important thing is that you're safe but let's just say the lukeaid lounge was a good lead."
Wow, he was probably going to get caught sooner or later, he just never saw it coming.

"Wait, I heard a gun shot who-"
"After you were shot, I shot him on his leg but he's fine."
"Okay.....what about Jock and huge guy, I mean Damon? Sorry about the questions"
"They tried to escape but they were apprehended."
"He has other branches too, what if-"
"they were all traced down, you have nothing to worry about." John said.
"Emily helped out too" he continued.
I couldn't believe, well of course I had too. I don't have to be dragged around anymore. I can finally be me. It good to finally feel free. It feels great to have justice.
Thank you God, I have a shot at leaving a better life, I just wish Luke could have seen that.

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