Chapter two

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.......The next job

Sitting on a stool at the front bar, Edward served me a drink.
He nodded yes "I think I'll be least, for now"
"okay sure" changing my drink he began,
"hey... are you okay? You stressed out? Or having problems at the strip club?" There he goes again being so nice and caring, why doesn't he just shut me out like everyone else?

I told him I worked at the strip club, well Luke's strip club...The Lukeaid Lounge, part of where he lures in clients for home services. I obviously couldn't tell him I'm a full time prostitute, it would obviously be a lot more better than telling him that? No?...It's working though... I guess.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good it's just my boss.... wants more than he needs...but I'm fine perfectly good" Not!
"Sorry about that, I'm sure you'll be fine.......hey have you thought about changing jobs? I know the whole you don't have a relative here and all, but why don't you save up, start something"
you have no idea, sweet face, sweet face? what's wrong with me?
"It's not as easy as you think, you know" My voice obviously laced with hurt. I tried as much as I could to push down the rush of pain.

"Yeah- I mean I know that, but you should try, little by little, you'll get there" his head tilted and his face all reassuring.
"I guess you're right" I said giving him false assurance.
How's your-"
"Have you thought about- sorry what did you want to ask" he said cutting in.
"No just go ahead"
"No you should-"
"Edd, I insist...just...say what you wanted to"
"Umm okay, I know you're going through a lot,but have you tried looking up to God?

I mean I don't know if you've considered" he sounded uneasy, my expression probably made him uncomfortable.
"God has forgotten about me a long time ago" I said looking down at my drink. He quickly serves another customer and motions one of his worker to serve other customers. He walked back to me. Back to me sounds weird, like we broke up and- why am I thinking about that!? Were just friends and he is a taken man, this isn't one of your jobs!

"No no no no, don't, don't say that, God hasn't forgotten about you.... He'll never leave you, He loves you, He-"
"Can we please not talk about that now?" I said obviously wanting to end the conversation.

"And when did you become.... a Christian? Or start believing in God?" I said looking up at him.
"I've always did, it's just, I'm just realising a lot of things now, like God's love....."
"Wow, okay... that's cool I guess" I said.
"And I'm, I'm selling the bar"
"What?! Why?" I said as my eye brows cringe.
"I just feel like, there's something out there for me you know"
"What do you mean?" I asked. I did know what he meant.
"I just...I just feel it's time I move on from here-"
"Does this have anything to do with your faith? You don't want to sell alcohol is that what this is about?"
My words rushed as I looked at him questioning.
"No, it's not, I." He took a deep breath.
He hesitated letting out a sigh,

"I've been going to rehab, for the past four months, didn't you ever think about why you didn't always hear from me like before?"
I stifled my breath. I was so caught with my own problems, I always he had everything together. I guess not.
"I, I didn't know....Ed I'm really sorry-"
"It's fine"
"I didn't know you were an, an..."
"Addict? Well, I'm not exactly anymore, this is when Jesus comes in."

I nodded in response, not sure what I should have said.
"I just think it's time I move on, you get it right?"
"Yeah, yeah I do" I replied.
"Why didn't you tell me about going to uh... rehab?" I asked.
" I was hoping to tell you, I wasn't exactly sure how to, I mean you had your own stuffs to deal with, I didn't want to be a burden."
"What do you mean burden? You would never" I said assuring him.
He nodded and we sat quiet for a while.

"How's uh Kelly?" I said breaking the silence.
"She's great, graduating soon" "Oh that's great..." I said nodding.
"She should be here in a few minutes" he said.
Oh I think I should probably go, I-"
"come on, stay" he said suddenly feeling like he caused my urge to leave.
Kelly and I, well we were cool when we first met and when I felt I was comfortable to tell her my part true part lie job about being a striper and all, she distanced herself from me and thinks I'm trying to steal Ed from her, at least I think and feel that way. Well
I really couldn't blame her, after the incident between Ed and I. I was really stupid.

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