Chapter five

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John's p.o.v....
I watched as the limo drove off and in my mind I said a little prayer.. God, please see her through everything...I know I barely know her, but I can tell that, that's not where she wants to be. What ever is holding her back, I believe that she'll be free and grow to know you more, Amen.

I kept staring at the limo till it was out of sight.
"John?... Your breakfast is ready"
I turned to Shannon, who looked at me with a nervous smile, I nodded and went to the dinning table. I replied good morning to Roland who was serving us tea.
"Your pancake is going to get cold" Shanon said to me worried as I stared at the pancakes pensively.
" I've, lost my appetite. Sorry I just... "
"Are you okay sir " I looked at Roland annoyed he called me sir.
"Come on Roland, please for the last time stop calling me sir, your old enough to be my father. "
"but your father said I-"
"I don't care what my father said okay" I cut in.
"You've been nothing but respectful and you should just call me John."
"Okay John, I will"
"Thank you" I replied with a sigh.

" You eh.. Er....Y-you didn't sleep with the girl... Did you?" I smiled at Shannon's stutter.
"No, I didn't"
"I saw when you went into Alice's supposedly room... "
"Yeah I slept there"
"Do you mind if I ask-"
"yes ask anything" I cut in desperate to hear a little advice.
"why didn't you? "
"well I could tell she didn't want to...."  I replied as I ran my hands through my disheveled hair.
"What makes you say that? "
"Well her expression, she didn't even try to be seductive at all. And when we got in the room, she said she wanted to 'get it over with' ".
Shannon's face grew more concerned. I continued non the less.

"well, I.. I tried canceling, but when I saw her I mean she's beautiful, I got tempted, but this nagging feeling of I shouldn't, probably the Holy Spirit, and her expression and attitude made me question, and even if I did sleep with her... It won't mend my broken heart."
"You did the right thing, she didn't try to protest a bit? "
"well... As long as I paid her she, she was happy, really happy... " I smiled to my self remembering her smile.
" but I couldn't help but think" I stopped, thinking to myself.
"If she's not happy where she is, why not quit? I told her that too but, it's like that was her only choice?"

"Sometimes, people lose hope in life, when they hit rock bottom. Not realizing that God is the rock at the bottom to get them back up."
Shanon began.
"She's probably going through a hard time, just keep praying for her. And as for you don't forget
Psalm34:18, The is lord near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

You're going to be fine, Stella breaking up with you, is probably a good thing in disguise, you never know."
"Thank you so much Shannon,"
"it's okay John"
"Wow that was deep"
Shannon and I turned to Roland who we forgot was there with us. We gave him a confused look and burst into laughter.
"What? " he asked confused.
"Shannon you'll be an incredible motivational speaker" he continued.
"Why thank you Roland" she replied with a curtsey.

Even with everything I couldn't stop thinking about Mary.... I'm still on the rebound after Stella and I broke up a few weeks ago but I just couldn't stop thinking about Mary.....

I decided to take a shower, maybe I'll get an appetite after.
After taking my shower, I came out of the bathroom with my towel around my waist. My phone began to ring. I checked the caller ID. My heart dropped, Dad....

"Hello? "
"Hi son, we have a meeting ASAP 4:30 prompt, we're having a meeting with another company that we'll be merging with-"
"wait merging you didn't tell me about a-"
"look son questions for later, just get  ready and DO NOT BE LATE you understand, "
"yes sir" I cut the call. He didn't even ask how I was doing. he knew about the break up, and acted like he didn't care. He never did anyway. And wait a merging?
"I'm supposed to be next in line and he didn't think it was necessary to tell me about a merging?!" I sighed.  My phone rang again.
Still Dad.
"Hello? "
"Yes John, there's goning to be a dinner night, kinda like a ball, more like a Gala, I don't know whatever, it's in the next three days, that's Friday . Your Mother's coming so..... Dress nice and oh, don't have to come with a date......sorry about...yh well see you at the meeting."

At that moment I was speechless, He didn't think to give me a heads up at least a week ago.
Another Ball another time where rich successful people come to celebrate their successes, drink and dance the night away. Others come with business proposals, others try to hook me up with their daughters and if I don't come with a date I'll...Mary. I smiled at the thought of her. I'll ask her, or her boss, even if I'll pay for it, I don't mind. Mom's coming too. It'd  been awhile, since her and my Dad separated, I only got to face time and meet during some holidays.

I remember asking why they separated and she told me that they both had different motives and beliefs.... If it's about her becoming a Christian..... I mean she's supposed to stay with him and help him through, but..... On the other hand, my Dad did shut her out. So, You know what I'm not going to blame any of them. They're friends as they said so. I guess it's all good.
God, please help my dad not be blinded by the desires of the world, thank you for my Mom, and please let Mary get the chance to be my Date, thank you for Shannon and Roland and everybody else that works with or for me Amen.
With that, I got dressed and my appetite began nagging.

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