Chapter 18

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Jungkook's POV:

I woke up and texted Y/N immediately. She usually texts back within a couple minutes. So while I wait I did my morning routine. I finished my routine 10 minutes later. I went to my phone and she hasn't texted back. I start thinking that she had to go to work. So, I went downstairs to eat breakfast with my Hyungs.

"Good morning Hyungs." I greeted when I walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning." They all said at the same time.

"Jin Hyung, do you need to go to the store today?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I need to get a couple of things. Why?" He asked.

"Because I want to see Y/N." I told him.

"Oh okay, then go get ready because I'm leaving in a few minutes." He told me.

"Okay Hyung." I said. I went upstairs to put different clothes on. When I finished, I went downstairs and saw Jin standing by the front door. We got in the car and headed to the store.

20 minutes later

We got to the store and went inside. I went looking for Y/N but I couldn't find her anywhere.

"Hyung I can't find Y/N." I told him.

"Maybe she doesn't work today." He told me.

"Maybe, but I'm going to ask her manager." I said then went to one of the workers and asked if I could see Y/N's manager. They took me to her managers office and knocked on the door.

"Sir, someone wants to talk to you." The worker said.

"Let them in then." I heard someone say from the other side.

"Go on in." The worker told me. I opened the door to see a middle aged man sitting behind a desk.

"Come in and sit down please." He gestured me. I did as he said and looked around the office then looked at him.

"What may I do for you young man?" He asked me.

"Does Y/F/N work today?" I asked him.

"No, she's on vacation for a week. Why?" He asked with concern in his eyes.

"I texted her this morning and she usually replies back in a couple of minutes. When she didn't reply I thought she had to work today." I told him.

"She usually calls me in the morning at around 8 but she didn't this morning." He told me. After he said that, I got more worried than I already was.

"She hasn't called you? She calls everyday even if she doesn't have to work?" I asked him.

"Yeah she's a very caring young lady. She knows I have a heart condition so she calls to remind me to take my medicine. And it's very unlike her not to call me." He said sounding worried.

"I think I should go to her house to see if she's alright." I told him.

"Okay and if you see her can you tell her that I'm worried about her."

"Of course sir." I said turning around.

"Excuse me." He said.

"Yes?" I asked turning around.

"Are you her boyfriend?" He asked me.

"Yes I am sir." I answered him.

"I'm happy that you're with her, you seem like the perfect man that take good care of her. Please don't hurt her, she's like a daughter to me." He said with worry evident in his voice.

"I won't hurt her sir, and I can tell that you love her like your own daughter." I said turning around.

"I do and have a great day and be safe and also have her call me. But if she can't please come back and tell me that she's fine." He told me.

"I will, have a great day sir." I told him.

"You too young man." He said. I closed the door and sighed. I went back to Jin and he asked me about it and I told him that she's on vacation.

"See you have nothing to worry about." He said.

"Hyung he said that she always calls in the mornings at 8 to remind him to take his medicine. But she didn't call this morning and he said that's very unlike her not to call him." I told him. Jin looked worried and said that he'll drive me to her house. So, we left the store after Jin payed and headed over to her house. When we got there, we saw police cars on the side of the road in front of her house. I got out of the car immediately and ran over.

(Play music above)

"Officer what happened?" I asked the officer that was standing in front of the yellow tape.

"The officer that was staying here was killed and the owner of the house is..." He said and put his head down.

"Officer what happened to her? Please tell me." I begged him, tears in my eyes.

"She's no where to be found, all we found was a weapon on the floor in the kitchen and the back door was picked open." He told me. I fell to the ground and started crying. Jin ran over and sat on the ground next to me and pulled me into his shoulder. I started crying more into his shoulder. I couldn't believe that this happened to her.

"Hyung why did it have to happen to her? She's the sweetest girl on the planet, she didn't deserve something like this." I said through tears.

"I don't who would want to do something like this to her. She is the sweetest girl and she's also the most caring girl that I've ever met and I know the others will say the same as well." He told me.

"Hyung..." I said before crying more.

"What is it Jungkook?" He said crying as well.

"Do you think that guy that was flirting with her took her?" I asked him.

"It might be him but we don't know if it was him or someone else." He said through tears.

"Okay." Was all I could say.

"Come on, let's get you home." He said when he pulled me up and walked me to the car.

15 minutes later

We arrived back home and I walked to the living room to the couch slowly while still crying.

"What's wrong Jungkook?" Yoongi asked me when he saw me crying. I sat down and started crying more. Yoongi scooted over to me and pulled me into his embrace. He was patting my back while I was crying into his shoulder.

"Hyung, sh-she's..." was all I said before I started crying more.

"She's what Jungkook? Is it about Y/N?" He asked me. I started crying when I heard her name.

"Did she break up with you?" He asked me. All I was able to do was shake my head no.

"Then what's wrong Jungkook? Please tell me what's going on."

"The officer that was protecting her is dead and she's gone. They said that they found the back door was picked open and a weapon that wasn't used on the floor in the kitchen." I told him. After I told him I bursted out crying more.

"Oh my god." Was all Yoongi said before he started crying a bit. That was the first time I saw him crying. She must have been like a sister that he never had. The others came running in after Jin told them what happened. We were all crying for hours. It was now 7 pm and we were still crying about what happened. We saw on the news about what happened to the officer and they said that Y/N is missing. We started crying again and soon we cried ourselves to sleep.
It turns out you were kidnapped and the officer was killed.

Who do you think kidnapped you??

Tell me who you think is the kidnapper.

I'm sorry if this made you cry, I made myself cry so you're not alone.

IDOL'S LOVE // J.JK ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora