Chapter 25

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Jungkook's POV:

I woke up with pain in my leg, so I sat up and grabbed my phone. I called Jin Hyung.

On the phone:

Jungkook: Hyung can you come help me please?

Jin: Jungkook you sound different, are you in pain? and I'm on my way

Jungkook: Yeah I'm in excruciating pain

Jin: Okay, I'll make a doctor's appointment for you and I'm right outside your door so I'm going to hang up now

Jungkook: Okay

I hung up the phone and looked towards the door and saw Jin come in.

"Do you want me to help you change your clothes?" Jin asked me.

"Yeah." I answered him.

"Okay after I change your clothes I'll call the doctors and make an appointment for you." He told me.

"Okay Hyung." I said. When he finished helping me change my clothes, he walked out of the room. I got up and started heading downstairs. When I was almost to the stairs, I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at it and saw another message from that unknown number.

Unknown: You will never see her again, so just get another girlfriend

When I saw the message, I put my phone back in my pocket and went downstairs. When I got downstairs, I went to the living room. I saw Jimin sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hyung." I said, while I was sitting down next to him.

"What is it Kooks?" He asked.

"You know that number that texted me?" I asked him.

"Yeah, why?"

"Whoever it is texted me again." I told him.

"You need to tell the police."

"I know I'm going to go tell Jin Hyung."

"Okay, do you want me to drive you to the police station?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I said.

"Okay, now go tell Jin where we're going." He told me. I went to the kitchen and saw Jin on the phone probably with the doctors office. I decided to wait until he's off the phone. He hung up the phone after another 5 minutes.

"Oh hi Jungkook." He said, once he realized I was there.

"Hi Hyung."

"Your appointment is this afternoon at 3." He told me.

"Okay and Hyung?"

"Yes Jungkook?"

"Me and Jimin are going to the police station." I told him.

"Why?" He asked.

"That number texted me again."

"Do you want me to come with you two?" He asked me.

"If you want to."

"Okay, come on." He said while going to the front door. I followed him to the front door and Jimin walked over to us. We went out the door and to the car.

15 minutes later

We arrived at the police station and went inside. I went to the receptionist and told him that I needed to see the officer that's working on trying to find Y/N. He took us to his office and knocked on the door. We went inside and the officer looked up and saw us.

"How may help you?" He asked us.

"I got another message from that number." I said, pulling out my phone.

"Okay let me see it. Did you reply back to the number?" He asked me.

"No sir." I answered him, while giving him my phone.

"Okay then." He said, while looking at the message and took a screenshot of the message and sent the photo to his phone.He plugged his phone up to his computer and printed a copy of it. Then he handed me my phone back.

"We'll call you once we got something, okay?" He said to me.

"Okay, thank you sir." I thanked him.

"No problem, and we're trying everything to find her." He said.

"Thank you again sir." I said, while going to the door.

"Okay bye. Be safe okay?"

"I will, bye." I said, while going out the door. When we left the police station it was already 2pm.

"We're going to start heading to Jungkooks appointment now so we won't be late." Jin said while we were getting in the car.

"Okay." Me and Jimin said at the same time.

45 minutes later

It took us awhile to get to the doctors because of traffic. When we got to the doctor's we went inside and sat down. Jin went up to the counter to check me in, then came back and sat down next to me. A nurse came in the waiting room and called my name. So, me and Jin Hyung followed the nurse to a room and waited for the doctor to come and look at my leg.

20 minutes later

After the doctors appointment, we left and went to the pharmacy to get the pain medication that the doctor prescribed me. When Jin Hyung came back to the car, we went home and I went to my bedroom and laid down on my bed. Jin came in and gave me my dinner and left. I was eating my food while watching tv. I finished eating and Jin came in and helped me change into my pajamas and walked out with the plate. I decided to go to sleep now, so I got myself as comfortable as I can get and started closing my eyes. The last thing I remember was me drifting off into a deep sleep.

IDOL'S LOVE // J.JK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now