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"Dr. Rogue, huh?"

"Well, haha... I suppose that is for another time, Dr. Sander.." I laughed and scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Oh, so now I'm Dr. Sander." He raised his eyebrows at me. I smiled sheepishly and he just shook his head before walking towards us. He stood beside my bed and inspected my pulse and heartbeats with those doctor's tools.

He sighed, "Your condition is better now." He stated. Then he pointed out on the bottles of pills he had put on the table, "I want to see you eat them."



I sighed and took each of them. I ate all of the pills at once and drank the mineral water from earlier. I gulped and looked at both my mom and my doctor. My mom pursed her lips and Dr. Rogue nodded his head in approvement.

After a long hour of speech from him, he finally decided to get out of the room to check his other patients. I exhaled the breath I didn't know I held but that was cut short when my mom started, "You know, I trusted you."

"I, mom look–"

"I don't want to hear it, young lady. You lied to me. You told me you ate them everyday and I trusted you. But then Dr. Sander called me and told me otherwise. How do you think I feel about that? And when he said that your life duration has been shortened, I just had it. How could you keep it from me, from your own mother? I– no, we, actually thought that you will still be with us for the next year. But six months? How are we supposed to deal with that." My mom mid-yelled at me.

Then she stood from the chair and started to pace around the room, her palm was on her forehead and her other hand was on her hip. I just looked down on my fidgeting hands, my tears threatening to come out.

"I'm sorry." I finally whispered after 5 minutes of silence. My mom stopped pacing and looked at me, her eyes softened. She sat back down on the side of my bed and took my hands in hers. That was when I realized J leaning on the doorframe while crossing his arms against his chest.

Mom rubbed her thumb on my hand and I looked back at her. She sighed, "You're going back home with us." She said sternly.

My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to protest. But suddenly I thought to myself, I have lied to her for so many times before and she just got the news which Dr. Sander had told me the other day, that my life duration has been shortened. I couldn't hurt her more than this. I need to make it up to her, to dad, and to J.

I sighed and nodded slowly, "okay."


Mom and J had went back to our home in this town since they wanted to freshen up and unpack their suitcases. I'm still laying on the hospital bed since the doctor said that he needed to make a double-check for my condition. But I will be out tomorrow morning, says him.

I was reading my favourite book, The Fault In Our stars when suddenly someone cleared their throat. I looked up to see Lucas standing in front of the closed door. He was holding something behind him. He made his way to me and sat down on the side of my bed.

He revealed the thing he held and turned out it was a bouquet of chocolates.

"Yay!" I yelped happily and took it from him, ignoring my sudden skipping heartbeats. He smiled wider after seeing my reaction. I grinned at him and took a bar of chocolate before putting the rest on the table beside my bed.

I started eating it when he asked me, "So.. How are you feeling?"

"Better after you gave me these." I gestured my hand towards the bouquet. He just chuckled.

It was silence for a moment before he spoke out, "I heard that they will let you out tomorrow morning."

"Uh huh."

"I.. I was thinking if we could hang out tomorrow after you got out, like, laying on my sofa and watch some Netflix and eat popcorns..?" He said, his eyes filled with adoration and hope.

I stopped eating the chocolate after he said that. I flashed back the conversation I had with my mom...

"Tomorrow morning. You will pack all your stuff and we will be going back home."

"What? Mom, that's too early. I still need to say goodbye to my friends." and Lucas. I need to tell him how I feel for him before I go and never come back.

Yes. I finally realized my feelings for him after our argument this morning. I finally realized that I never want to make him mad at me ever again, because it just hurts when someone you love despise you. It hurts to see the disappointment in his eyes.

"No. We are going back tomorrow and that's final." My mom left me with no argument.

I didn't want to upset my mom more than this. But I still need to tell about my feelings to Lucas! He needs to know.

But.. will he feel the same?

Oh fudge it, it doesn't matter if he feels the same or not because we will never be together.

Well that's the more reason you shouldn't tell him. Why would you when you already know that it wouldn't change your relationship status?

Hm, you know what? You have a point.
I agreed with my conscience. We wouldn't even be together anyway, why should I tell him.

But he has been hurt by his mother before. Are you going to do the same to hi–

I got rid of my conscience and looked at my mom who's looking at me with a raised eyebrow, waiting for me to shoot the bullet right in her heart. I never want to see her upset again.


I shook my head and turned my attention back to Lucas who is still waiting for my answer. His eyes never leaving mine and his smile... his hopeful smile.

I let out a shaky breath and smiled apologetically, "I..."

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