Chapter 5

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HaeSoo munched onto her pancake which she made this morning. She went grocery shopping after school Friday, so the fridge was now filled with food instead of stashes of alcohol. The sunlight was reflecting from the back window making the house seem less dark and dry while the dust was easily seen flowing in the air.

HaeSoo's aunt didn't seem to be home like most of the time, but somehow the house still reeked of alcohol. It was the same exact smell she was greeted with the first time she entered, it was never really welcoming.

Suddenly, the front door had opened increasing the light smell of alcohol that was once not so obvious. HaeSoo's aunt walked in obviously not sober at all. She was practically holding onto the door for support and her eyes were barely even open. Not only that, she was holding a half drunk bottle of alcohol on her other hand trying to take another gulp out of it.

HaeSoo ran her way towards her drunk aunt and held her by the waist to bring her to her room. "Who's touching me~" She began to speak in a confused and drunk voice while HaeSoo remained silent and continued helping her. "Oh~ it's my voiceless niece."

HaeSoo ignored her words knowing her aunt was drunk although those were the exact same words her aunt would pronounce even if she was sober.

The young girl began to try and bring her drunk aunt to her room, but then suddenly HaeSoo's aunt's hand found itself swinging up and down in anger.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled as she pushed HaeSoo to the ground and threw the bottle of alcohol at the wall.

The sound of glass breaking into bits and pieces were heard as one flew its way to HaeSoo's right arm leaving a painful and perceivable scar. The red coloured blood showed as the liquid dripped down. The injury was close to her wrist, but luckily it wasn't too deep to cause some danger.

"My bottle~" HaeSoo's aunt whined as she finally fell to the ground fainting because of consuming too much alcohol.

HaeSoo stared at the blood dripping down her skin feeling as if she was living a miserable life. The blood reminded her of the same exact scene she saw when her parents were murdered. A pool of blood engraved in her mind with her parent's body inside her former house. The blood dripping down her skin was nothing compared to what she saw that night.


HaeSoo stood in front of the house Jimin texted her. She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell expecting to see Jimin opening it but instead she got a kind woman smiling at her warmly.

"Oh! You must be Jimin's project partner. Please do come in." She kindly asked letting the doorway free for HaeSoo to enter.

HaeSoo respectfully bowed to the woman who seemed to be Jimin's mother and took her shoes off. "Jimin! Your friend is here!" Jimin's mother yelled loudly for Jimin to hear while HaeSoo kept looking down not knowing whether she should go upstairs or stay here.

"Jimin doesn't bring any girls to the house and it makes me so happy to know he's met a friend like you." Jimin's mom spoke in happiness as she stared at HaeSoo admiring her features.

"Would you like anything? Some water perhaps?" Jimin's mother asked expecting HaeSoo to say something. HaeSoo simply shook her head in response. "You don't talk much do you?"

HaeSoo kept her head hanging low feeling a bit awkward that Jimin's mom didn't know she couldn't speak. Soon enough, the sound of thumping down the stairs was heard revealing Jimin. He approached his mother and smiled at her before staring at HaeSoo.

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