Chapter 10

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HaeSoo found her hands rubbing her eyes while yawning. Her arms then lifted themselves up in the air to stretch them before placing them back on her desk. Finally, she let her arms become her pillow as she placed her head on them allowing the tiredness caused by the lack of sleep take over.

"Wow, someone seems tired," HyunJae spoke as she leaned on the desk next to HaeSoo's. "Did you not sleep last night?"

HaeSoo rubbed her eyes once again and began to take out her journal so she can answer HyunJae, but another voice beat her to it. "Of course she's tired, we spent the night together," Jimin spoke as he sat on his chair and turned his body around to face HaeSoo and HyunJae.

"You what?" HyunJae asked a bit curious about what happened last night. HaeSoo's eyes were now wide open and her tiredness had somehow disappeared. Her head turned around to let her eyes stare at Jimin with a hint of confusion covered with a bit of anger.

"I mean, I'm not surprised, we barely even slept after what we did." Jimin shrugged while HaeSoo quickly grabbed her journal and began to write in it quite fast trying to make sure that HyunJae wouldn't get to the wrong idea.

"Wait, did you guys..." HyunJae tried to assume what happened last night while HaeSoo continued writing quickly. Jimin, on the other hand, was smiling widely finding it amusing that he was turning last nights hard work into a total misunderstanding.

"Yes, we did." Jimin nodded proudly making HyunJae speechless. HaeSoo immediately closed her journal and used it as a weapon to hit Jimin on the shoulder making him groan. "Ow! Will, you quit hitting me!" He yelled massaging his shoulder.

HaeSoo shook her head and reopened her journal to the page she was writing on and gave it to HyunJae.


Don't get the wrong idea! We only stayed after school to clean the classroom and then went to the library to work. We stayed there late and we ended up stopping by the convenient store for ice cream. That's it, nothing else happened.

-To HyunJae

HyunJae read what was written in the journal and sighed while lightly shaking her head. "Jimin, you deserved that hit." HyunJae closed the journal and put it back on HaeSoo's desk before crossing her arms and glaring at Jimin.

"I really don't understand why you guys don't like me," Jimin spoke while HaeSoo ripped out a paper from one her textbooks and began to write in it while Jimin kept talking. " I mean, I'm good looking, I'm kind, I'm good with girls, I'm popular, I'm-" a crumpled up paper hit Jimin's face before landing on his lap. The confused boy grabbed the crumpled up paper from his lap and opened it to reveal the note written in it.


You're a total jerk.

-From HaeSoo

Jimin sighed and made an annoyed expression before turning to look at HaeSoo who was revealing her cheeky smile. Jimin, without knowing why, found his lips curve up as he stared at HaeSoo smiling. HaeSoo doesn't show her smile often and this somehow captivated the young man.

"You have a nice smile." Jimin sincerely spoke his words while HaeSoo's smile soon faded away replacing her amused expression with a confused one. "You don't smile often."

HaeSoo stared into Jimin's eyes taking in the compliment he just gave her. She knew he was being honest and it somehow made her feel weird because she wasn't sure whether Jimin was being himself or was being the flirty playboy

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