Chapter 20

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Jimin stopped walking and turned around in shock.

"HaeSoo, did you just...speak?"

Jimin stared at HaeSoo who had her eyes tightly closed due to the fact she forced her voice out. Her hands were both turned into fists trying to keep the pressure in and her body was tensed up.

Jimin soon found himself walking to HaeSoo who barely even knew what was going on anymore. The moment he was close enough to HaeSoo, he wrapped his arms around her body. He hugged her tightly while her eyes remained closed and her body stayed tensed. "You said my name..." Jimin softly spoke as he held HaeSoo in his arms.

HaeSoo's body stayed tense due to the amount of pressure she put on herself. She had finally spoke but it wasn't the way she expected it to happen. She had to force her voice out just to get Jimin's attention.

Although HaeSoo couldn't see anything because her eyes were closed, she saw something in her mind. She saw past memories flooding back. Not the good memories, but the bad ones.

Jimin held onto HaeSoo tightly until he suddenly felt her go numb. It was like HaeSoo had no consciousness in her body and he was just holding her. Indeed it was true.

Jimin looked down to see himself holding HaeSoo who had fainted due to too much pressure. "HaeSoo!?" He yelled worried about what had happened. "Is this because she spoke...?" He quietly asked himself as he stared at HaeSoo's unconscious figure.


"You're lucky I was still here although school ended." The nurse spoke as she checked HaeSoo's temperature. "Thank you for helping." Jimin bowed to the nurse before averting his gaze towards HaeSoo.

Jimin brought HaeSoo to the nurse's office in hopes of her still being there. Luckily, she hadn't left yet. HaeSoo was still unconscious in bed and all Jimin could do was stare at her.

"Could you tell me what happened before she fainted?" The nurse asked as she organized her stuff. Jimin nodded to her question and began to speak. "I think I pressured her. Before she fainted, she spoke. She said my name, but it seemed like she had to force herself into speaking. A few seconds later, she fainted and that's it."

The nurse nodded as she stared at HaeSoo. "It was clearly due to too much pressure. Poor girl, she's new to the school and has already fainted two times here." The nurse sighed as she crossed her arms. "I'll go get some medicine for her when she wakes up. You stay here." The nurse walked out of the room as Jimin stayed beside HaeSoo.

"I'm sorry..." Jimin looked down to HaeSoo sleeping. "It's my fault this happened. I made you feel pressured didn't I?" Jimin kept on speaking although HaeSoo couldn't hear him. "I really am trouble..."

There she stood, in the dark while her eyes looked at every corner hoping to see some light.

Soon, a small dimmed light shined on something. No, it wasn't a person, nor was it an object. It was some type of liquid, a red thick liquid. She knew exactly what it was and turned her gaze away from the light towards the dark.

Sometimes, the darkness was better to look at then the light. It was better being blinded by darkness than being able to see what was there.

She began to run although there was nothing but black in front of her. She was running and running non-stop until another dim light appeared. This time, it showed a figure.

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