Chapter 37

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The Voice I Use for You

"P-please, don't hurt him..."

Jimin couldn't believe his ears. Although he was about to get injured again, hearing HaeSoo speak just made him forget everything that was happening. "So you finally speak." The man put down the wooden plank and walked over to the pile of thick sticks he had earlier. "Too bad it's all for nothing." He said taking out a lighter.

The lighter lit a small flame as the man grabbed a few sticks. Those sticks soon went on fire as the little flame from the lighter touched it. The man grinned at the sight and threw the burning sticks to the ground. The ground began to light fire slowly as the man backed away. "Say hello to your parents for me." We're that murderer's last words before walking out the now burning barn.

Jimin, quick to act up, stood from the ground and ran towards the barn door that the man had walked out of. He tried opening it with his hands once he arrived, but it wasn't working. "He blocked it," Jimin mumbled to himself. He soon realized that the fire was getting bigger and was beginning to expand. His eyes immediately darted towards HaeSoo who was still tied up.

Jimin quickly ran towards her and began to untie her wrists. As soon as HaeSoo was untied, she quickly hugged Jimin tightly, catching him by surprise. She began to sob in his chest as he slowly wrapped her arms around her. "I'm sorry..." she mumbled in his chest. Jimin grabbed HaeSoo's shoulder and pulled her away from the hug looking at her deeply in the eyes. "Hey, at least I get to hear your voice before I die, right?" Jimin smiled.

HaeSoo knew Jimin was trying to brighten up the mood, but she just couldn't feel that way knowing that the fire was expanding quickly. She turned around to see that the fire had already surrounded them and the smoke was piling up. "This is all my fault," HaeSoo said as she stared at the fire. "Hey, no." Jimin slowly places his hands on both of HaeSoo's cheeks and turned her to face him. "It was never your fault. You didn't cause this. That crazy man would've found you either way and none of that would've been your fault. HaeSoo, you're an amazing girl. Meeting you has made me do things that I never thought I would do. If I had never met you, I probably would've never found out what loving someone really means."

HaeSoo's eyes which were once filled with fear had now softened. She had forgotten about the fire and all her focus was now on Jimin. The atmosphere suddenly felt quiet. Jimin slowly found himself leaning down and HaeSoo didn't try to stop him this time. Her eyes closed as she felt Jimin's lips touch hers. He caressed her cheeks while HaeSoo placed her hand on his. Once he softly pulled away, they both opened their eyes. Jimin pulled HaeSoo to his chest while slowly stroking her hair.

HaeSoo began to cough realizing that the smoke had grown more. Parts of the barn began to fall to the ground and all Jimin could do was cover HaeSoo's ears so she wouldn't be scared. HaeSoo could still hear the loud noises of the barn breaking down even though Jimin was covering her ears. She could hear Jimin coughing because of the smoke and she wanted to help him.

HaeSoo was growing weaker and weaker by the second. Jimin soon found his head resting on the wooden pole next to him while still holding HaeSoo to his chest. Before they even knew it, both their eyes closed themselves.

The last thing they saw was fire growing closer and closer.


"Hello? Young man! Can you hear me?!"

"Fire has burnt down the house, I repeat, it has been burnt down."

"Two teens have been knocked out!"

"She has a weak pulse!"

"Criminal is not on the premise. Search the area!"

"We're losing her! Fast! Her pulse is weakening!"


HaeSoo's eyes quickly opened while she began to breathe heavily. She had an oxygen mask attached to her face making her feel even more afraid. She quickly stood from the bed and looked around her to see that she was in a hospital. "HaeSoo!" Detective Kim stood up from his seat, seeing that HaeSoo had woken up.

HaeSoo began to freak out and she was suddenly finding it hard to breathe. Detective Kim held on to her arm but she began to move around out of fear and her breathing turned heavier. "Nurse! Nurse!" began to yell Detective Kim as he tried to calm HaeSoo down.

Three nurses rushed into the room after hearing Detective Kim's call. Two of them grabbed HaeSoo from both arms to stop her from moving around. The other nurse grabbed an injection and filled it with a substance before walking over to the overly feared HaeSoo. "Hold her tight." Said the nurse before injecting the substance into HaeSoo's arms. Before a minute could pass, HaeSoo's moving around had passed and she found herself drifting to sleep in one of the nurse's arms.

"She's still traumatized from the incident. She needs time and rest to let it pass." The nurse holding the injection said. "What about Jimin?" Detective Kim asked. "Has he woken up?". The nurse looked down and shook her head. "He's still completely knocked out. He has breathed the most smoke compared to HaeSoo. He was covering her in his arms when we found them, so he was the most affected." The nurse bowed to the detective before leaving with the rest.


HaeSoo had woken up once again. This time, she wasn't panicking nor was she breathing heavily. Her eyes had opened slowly and blinked a few times trying to adjust to the ceiling she was staring at. Her hand lifted up to rub her head which was hurting a little. She then realized she had an oxygen mask on, so she sat up from the hospital bed and slowly took it off feeling a bit uncomfortable with it on.

"HaeSoo!" She heard her name being called from both sides of the bed. She looked to her right to see both Hoseok and Taehyung sitting together while happily grinning at her. She then looked to her left to see HyunJae smiling with tears in her eyes. "You're finally awake!" HyunJae said as she tightly hugged HaeSoo. Hoseok and Taehyung walked to HaeSoo's bed in happiness. "Are you feeling okay?" Asked Hoseok. HaeSoo confusingly nodded at his question wondering why all her friends were here.

"W-What are you guys doing here?" HaeSoo asked. Everything went silent. The smiling faces of those teens had turned shocked yet confused. "Did you just speak?" Taehyung asked while the two others remained shocked. HaeSoo smiled and nodded to the question. "Oh my goodness!" HyunJae yelled after finally coming to her senses. "Say something else!" HaeSoo looked around to her friends who seemed to be anticipating for her voice. They were all smiling and excitedly staring at her.

Once HaeSoo was about to speak she realized something. Her eyes turned wide and she quickly grabbed HyunJae's arm, looking at her straight in the eyes. "Where's Jimin?"


I'm sorry if you had to read all that :/

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See yaaaaa


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