Chapter 8

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Another day had begun and HaeSoo wasn't feeling too ready to get back into the classroom after what happened with Jimin the other day. HaeSoo walked through the hallways remembering that she would have to stay after school cleaning the classroom with Jimin. She made a quite sad face as she kept on walking until she heard HyunJae running up to her.

"Hey!" She yelled a little tired from the running. "Are you sure you're alright to come to school?" HaeSoo nodded at HyunJae's question showing her that just a little blood loss was not going to make her weak.

HyunJae smiled at HaeSoo's confidence before beginning to talk again. "By the way, Jimin is searching for you." HaeSoo turned to HyunJae with a confused expression. "I saw him asking a bunch of students if they saw a short hair girl who can't speak."

HaeSoo began to smile at how silly that sounded while HyunJae chuckled. "He probably wants to apologize for whatever he did to you."

HasSoo looked down remembering everything Jimin had told her making her rethink her past. Then suddenly, HaeSoo's name was called throughout the hallway making both HaeSoo and HyunJae turn around.

"HAESOO!!!" Jimin yelled as he ran through the hallway filled with students.

"I know I shouldn't leave, but I'm going to leave." HyunJae said as she waved and began to walk away.

HaeSoo stared at her friend walk away feeling betrayed that she was left alone with Jimin. He had finally arrived to her trying to gasp for breath after all the running.

"Finally found you." He spoke as he began to unzip his bag and take out something. "Here."

He held onto HaeSoo's brown journal which she must've left in class after the fainting incident the day before. "You left in class and I figured you would need it." HaeSoo grabbed the journal and stared at it to make sure it was really hers. She then gave a glare to Jimin asking herself if he had read it. Jimin immediately understood her glare and lifted his hands up to his chest trying to protect himself. "Don't worry, I didn't read it."

HaeSoo nodded still staring at him before packing her journal in her bag. She then began to walk while Jimin followed not saying anything. "By the way, who's 'Unknown Creep'?" Jimin Asked making HaeSoo stop and look at him in disbelief.

"Okay, maybe I read a little from your journal, but it was only the things that you recently wrote. I didn't read anything before that!" Jimin began to defend himself while HaeSoo rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Oh, come on! I didn't read anything else, I swear!" Jimin began to run after HaeSoo yelling her name while grabbing people's attention.

HaeSoo finally arrived in her classroom where the loud noise of conversations was heard. Jimin ran to catch up to her but when he arrived, the homeroom teacher was staring at them both in anger.

"Nam HaeSoo and Park Jimin. Your history teacher told me you caused trouble during his class." The homeroom teacher had her arms crossed as she stared at both HaeSoo and Jimin.

"We didn't really cause trouble. HaeSoo walked out and I went to get her." Jimin said while HaeSoo glared at him clearly showing him that it was his fault that she walked out in the first place.

"Well, I don't care about what happened. Your history teacher has already set the punishment; you guys are staying after school to clean the classroom." Both HaeSoo and Jimin looked down in sadness not wanting to stay after school to clean the classroom.


"Are you done yet?" Jimin asked as he finished erasing the board. He turned around to see HaeSoo still standing on top of the chair wiping the windows with a cloth.

She then turned around still remaining on the chair and shook her head as a 'no' to respond to Jimin. She tried to reach for the higher window but she failed miserably, so she decided to go on top of the desk.

"Hey, be careful on that," Jimin warned HaeSoo staring at her cleaning the windows once again on a higher stand.

Jimin then began to approach the desk HaeSoo was standing on worried about how dangerous it looked. What HaeSoo hadn't realized was that the desk wasn't still and she would fall if she moved even a little.

"I think you should get down," Jimin suggested as he looked up to see HaeSoo still cleaning. HaeSoo once again shook her head and continued wanting to finish cleaning the windows quickly.

Jimin began to star at the unstable desk and became worried wanting HaeSoo to come down right away. "HaeSoo, the desk isn't stable. Come down, now." Jimin spoke quite sternly making HaeSoo a bit annoyed.

She was about to turn around, but the fact that she decided to move made the table wobble causing HaeSoo to find herself falling off.

Her eyes closed as her arms were in the air waiting for the cold ground to hit her, but there was nothing. Instead, she felt something warm and comfy around her. The warm feeling soon  chased her to slowly flutter her eyes open and see Jimin's face just inches away. His cold breath made her shiver and his handsome features made her admit that he was quite good looking.

"I told you to get off," Jimin spoke still holding onto HaeSoo's body tightly. "You know, the last time I was holding you like this was when you fainted. Looks like I'm the hero who always saves you before you fall." Jimin winked while HaeSoo was brought back to reality.

She rolled her eyes and found her way out of Jimin's arms. She turned around and bowed to thank him for  'saving' her. Jimin smiled at HaeSoo bowing at him knowing that she was physically trying to say 'Thank You'. His gaze then averted towards HaeSoo's wrist remembering the reason she had fainted in the first place. He began to think about how painful it must've been for HaeSoo to write in he journal trying to communicate with others. Jimin walked his way to HaeSoo while she stared at him asking herself what he was doing since he was so silent. Once Jimin had arrived to her, he grabbed HaeSoo's wrist and lifted up the sleeve revealing the bandage wrapped around the scar.

"How...?" He asked as he brushed his thumb over the white bandage. "How did you create such an injury?" Jimin lifted his head up to meet HaeSoo's dark brown eyes which showed a hint of pain. She quickly looked away knowing the long gazing would give away all her secrets. She pushed away Jimin's hand from her wrist and grabbed the cloth she was using to clean the window. "Wait, are you going to clean the window again?" Jimin asked as he watched HaeSoo walk towards one of the school desks. HaeSoo turned around and nodded before preparing herself to climb on top of one of the chairs. Jimin immediately shook his head and walked over to HaeSoo grabbing the cloth away from her.

"I'll do it." He said. "Also, we're staying in school to finish working on that project. And I will definitely work this time."

HaeSoo lifted her eyebrows and stared at Jimin. She then lifted her hand up revealing her pinky. Jimin looked down at her small hand and smiled before locking his pinky with hers. "I promise."

I am tired but I will stay positive bc tmr is Friday. Tho I really hope there will be a snowstorm that will cause the schools to close.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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Seeeeee yaaaaaaa


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