First Kick

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"And bring her to the park," Jimin squeezed your hand, "and the ice-cream store across the road." You smiled as he spoke about the things he can't wait to do with your little girl. 

"What about the pond to feed the little ducks," he suggested. You giggled and continued to walk through the park. Suddenly you felt a light push against your stomach, making you stop. You let go of Jimin's hand and put it on your growing baby bump. He stopped with you and put a hand on the small of your back. You felt the movement again and tears begun forming in your eyes. 

"What's wrong Beautiful? Is it the baby?" he panicked when he saw a tear roll down your cheek. 

"She's kicking. Feel here," you said softly. You grabbed his other hand and pressed it to your stomach where your baby was squirming around. After minutes of silence Jimin looked from his hand up to you. 

"That is incredible, I can't believe it," he whispered. "I know, it's amazing," you said, blinking away your tears. You smiled and cupped Jimin's cheek with your hand. 

"I love you," you said, kissing him softly.

"I love you," you said, kissing him softly

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"Tae you're next," Namjoon said, walking out of the recording booth. Taehyung kissed your cheek and stood up. 

"Look after all three of them," he said to the boys. You closed your eyes as you listened to Taehyung sing his solo for the new song. You felt a gently tap on the right side of your stomach, making you snap your eyes open. You placed your hand over the spot, rubbing it softly. 

"You alright Y/N?" Jin asked sensing your mood change. You gave him a small smile, when you felt a kick on the other side. 

"Y/N?" Jungkook repeated. 

"They kicked," you whispered, making all six boys look at you. 

"You serious?" Jimin said moving closer. 

"Both of them?" Hoseok asked. You nodded and looked at Taehyung in the recording booth. 

"Someone get Taehyung" Yoongi said. Taehyung coming running out of the booth and stopped once he saw the boys sitting close to you. 

"What's-" he begun, but you cut him off, 

"they're kicking," you whispered teary. He knelt beside the couch as you took his hands and placed them on each side. As Taehyung's hands touched your stomach, they kicked his hands. 

"Oh my god, their actually in there," he chuckled kissing your tummy, 

"I love them so much." He rubbed your stomach, calming the kicks down then looking up to you happily, eyes shining with excitement and love.

"I love you so much too Petal." He said pecking your lips.

"We love you too Taehyungie."


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"What are you doing? That tickles," you giggled as you felt Jungkook's hands on your stomach. You opened your eyes to found him kneeling beside where you lay on the couch. 

"Trying to get the baby to kick," he said, rubbing the sides of your swollen stomach. 

"I read that from 18 weeks you can feel the baby kick and move around," he explained, "and omma asked me last night if we have felt it yet." 

Your smile faded as you saw the sadness in his eyes. "Kookie, she will kick when she wants to. Please don't worry or stress about it," you said running your fingers through his hair. 

"I do know that Mi-Young and Eomma want to cuddle with Appa though," you smiled. His eyes lit up at hearing 'Appa'. He slowly slid behind you on the couch, hands resting on your bump. You snuggled into him and closed your eyes as he hummed quietly. Suddenly there was a light fluttering in your stomach. 

"Was that-?" Jungkook asked. You nodded and put your hand above his. 

"I told you she would. Just have to be patient," you said. "She's kicking," he whispered happily, 

"Appa loves you baby girl."


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Hi guys how are you? 

I'm sick but I thought I'd update 

I'm sick but I thought I'd update 

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I love them very much

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I love them very much...

See you soon! 




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