Braxton Hicks (Pregnancy Pains Pt 3)

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Braxton Hicks: Braxton Hicks contractions as tightening in the abdomen that comes and goes. Many women say these "false" contractions feel like mild menstrual cramps. Braxton Hicks contractions may be uncomfortable, but they do not cause labor or open the cervix. 


It was late, and you were tucked in bed. Your days became shorter and shorter the farther along you became. Your baby girl was constantly pressing on your ribs and digging into your back, the pain was almost unbearable, but you knew you had to stick through it for your little girl. You were counting down the days until she would arrive. 

You weren't sure if you were more excited to meet your little girl or to get her out of you simply so your back no longer ached. It was normal for you to toss and turn at night, constantly readjusting to find comfort, but tonight was different. You woke with a sudden pain in your belly. 

It was nothing like you had ever felt before and it honestly terrified you. You decided you were just being paranoid, and tried to get back to sleep, but when the pain kept coming back ever so often you started to worry. You sat up and turned on your bedside light and shook Jimin. 

"Jimin, get up!" You whimpered. He quickly sat up, alarmed by your tone of voice. 

"What is it, Y/N? Are you alright?" You shook your head, your eyes beginning to water. 

"It hurts, Chim. It hurts bad." You cried, rubbing your hand over your belly. Jimin's eyes grew wide as he jumped out of bed. 

"Alright, alright. I'll call the doctor okay? Everything is gonna be alright." He leaned over, pressing a kiss to your hair before grabbing his phone and dialing your doctor.

You were silently cursing yourself for ever wishing your daughter would come sooner rather than later. You were being selfish. She wasn't ready to come yet. You were taken back from your thoughts when Jimin came back over to you, kneeling by your side of the bed and taking your hands in his. 

"The doctor said it's most likely Braxton Hicks and recommended a warm bath to relax you. He said it they still continue after that to go to the hospital. What do you say? Does a bath sound nice?"  You nodded slowly, reaching up to wipe your face. 

"Help me up?" He nodded, standing and helping you out of bed. Jimin led you to the bathroom and ran you a nice warm bath before helping you undress.

He slipped out of his boxers and slid into the tub behind you. He snaked his arms around your waist, rubbing your belly softly as you relaxed into him. He placed a small kiss on your cheek. 

"The doctor said this is completely normal and especially scary for first time mothers, but the baby is going to be fine. Try not to stress too much, okay? It's not good for our girl, or you." You nodded slowly as your body began to relax and the pain started to cease. 

"It was just scary to think she was coming right now. She's not ready and as much as I wish she was here with us, I don't want her to come until she's ready." 

Jimin nodded, kissing your hair. "She'll come when she's ready and she's gonna be just fine." 

You were so thankful he was able to stay calm during all of this, because if you didn't have him to ease your worry, you weren't sure what you would've done

You were so thankful he was able to stay calm during all of this, because if you didn't have him to ease your worry, you weren't sure what you would've done

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