Deciding The Birth Plan

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"I'm in the bath!" You yelled back.

You heard the soft thumps of his footsteps coming up the stairs and then you see him shyly poke his head into the bathroom giving you a smile and you waved him in, telling him it's okay to come in. He walks in and crouches down next to you, taking his rings off and then pouring some water over your bump that was above the water. You giggle as your little girl starts kicking as Jimin begins humming as he continues to pour water over your stomach. You grab his hand and place it over the spot she continues to kick and Jimin's face lights up and smiles so his eyes are crescents.

"She senses you Jimin. She knows who her Appa is already." You giggle. He lets out a soft giggle and places a kiss on your stomach then on your lips.

"Appa's baby girl." He mumbles. You both sat in silence enjoying the moment, before Jimin breaks it.

"I've been thinking." He says looking up to you. You hum letting him know you're listening.

"You're 3 weeks away from your due date and you could go any day and we haven't even got a birthing plan, so I looked at what you're options are and I thought you might like the idea of a birthing pool at home? I know how much baths have helped with pain recently and it's meant to help a lot with contractions, plus I know you don't like taking pain relievers so I think this would be the best option to help with pain naturally. Plus you'll feel more relaxed knowing you're at home " He explains resting his head on the side of the tub.

You smile and nod. "I like the sound of that."

"You do?" He asks surprised. You giggle and nod

"Yeah, why wouldn't I like the sound of that?" 

"I just thought you'd want a birth on a bed that's all." He says. You shake your head and lean forward pressing a kiss on his forehead then pushing yourself up to get out the tub, but struggle.

"Little help here kind sir?" You tease. He chuckles before standing up and grabbing your hand to help you out.

"Of course Ma'am" 

"Of course Ma'am" 

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"I'm so tired," you whimpered, as you walked inside after your latest pregnancy class, Taehyung close behind you. He wrapped his arms around you, guiding you to the couch. 

"Do you need anything Petal?" Taehyung asked kissing your forehead. You shook your head, 

"Cuddle with us?" He chuckled, before sitting beside you. You wiggled around, so you were leaning against his chest. You smiled as his hands found your growing stomach, rubbing over it soothing. 

"We should talk about a birth plan," you said softly, "since it's less than two months till the twins arrive." He nodded, thinking to himself. 

"I know there are many options but I'll feel better if we were at the hospital," he kissed your temple, "I can't risk anything happening to any of you three." You giggled, placing your hand on his, 

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