Labor Pt 3.

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You leaned against your forearms on the kitchen counter, placing your head down as you breathed through a contraction. Jimin's hands were on your back, applying pressure and swaying your hips slightly to help the baby move down. As the pain passed, you straightened up. You turned around to look at Jimin and took a shaky breath. 

"Jimin," you whispered, lip starting to tremble and your body began to shiver. 

"Baby? What's wro-" he stopped when you saw your face go pale, your lips going blue. 

"I'm so cold," you mumble, your teeth chattering. 

"It's ok baby, I've got you," he replied, as the midwife walked in. She handed Jimin a warm blanket to wrap around you. 

"Feeling cold is normal," she said, "I also think you'll be 10 cm dilated soon, the pool is set up, do you want to get in now? It will warm you up too." You nodded and ran a hand over your stomach, feeling it tighten again. 

"Deep breaths," Jimin whispered, sensing your body tense up at another contraction. You whimpered quietly until the pain faded away. 

"You're amazing baby," he kissed your head. 

Jimin wrapped an arm around you and helped to your bedroom and into the pool that was set up, as the midwife begun to get out everything ready for the birth. He helped you out of his hoodie you were wearing and you began to slowly sit in the pool. You sighed in relief as the water hit your back making the pain disappear for the moment. 

"Why did I wait so long?" you whispered. Jimin smiled happily relived you were relaxed for the first time in hours. Jimin knelt just outside the shower and rubbed your lower back. You took a sharp breath as a contraction wrapped around your body and down your thighs. 

"You're so close baby, our little girl will finally be here" he whispered, hands moving to your hips, helping you sway them, humming Promise. 

"About time, she's 6 days late." You hiss irritated. Jimin giggles and shakes his head.

"Guess she just wanted the same birthday as her appa." He teases making you roll your eyes. 

"Jimin, get in with me, please."  You beg. He stands up and nods he quickly grabs some shorts and a t-shirt, going into the bathroom and quickly changing. He comes back out and slowly gets in behind you. You lean against him and whine as another contraction makes your muscles tense. Jimin quickly starts swaying your hips again and you smack his hands away.

"Jimin don't," you snapped, feeling pressure building in between your legs, as the baby moved lower into your pelvis. 

"She's coming, I need to push," you cried.

"She's coming, I need to push," you cried

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Taehyung ran back into the room wiping his eyes and grabbing your hand. "I'm here, I'm here, don't worry petal I didn't leave." He mumbles kissing your head. You whine and throw your head back in irritation. 

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