Pregnancy Pains Pt 2.

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Btw this one isn't about pregnancy pains it's mainly about insecurities and insecurities can cause pain mentally.


Despite being in the very beginning of your third trimester, you still woke up almost every morning with morning sickness. Jimin would hear you in the bathroom, and it killed him to know that you were in pain all the time. You crawled back into bed one morning, groaning and not wanting to move for the rest of the day. 

It was one of those days where you just didn't want to move because little Park thought it was a good idea to give you extreme heartburn and nausea. Jimin became the big spoon again when you crawled back into bed, rubbing his hand gently over your belly. 

"Hey Y/N, I have a idea." You groaned again, mainly because Jimin's ideas always involved moving and doing something, none of which you were in the mood to do. 

"What is it Chim?" 

"Let's go to the beach today, get your mind off things. It'll make you feel better." You rolled your eyes at his suggestion, you were definitely not feeling the beach.

 "Jiminie I really don't feel like moving today..." 

"Please Y/N? I promise it'll make you feel better. Being in the water will take the pressure off your back. Let's go!" You thought about it for a few more minutes, before throwing the covers off of yourself and getting out of bed. 

"Yes!"Jimin cried, throwing the covers off of himself.

You slowly got changed, looking at yourself in the mirror. You only had bikini's as bathing suits, which exposed your entire belly. You were huge, and sometimes you hated looking at yourself. You knew it meant that your baby was healthy and growing strong, but you still felt insecure about it. 

However, you didn't want to ruin Jimin's day so you grabbed a cover up from your closet, threw a change of clothes, towels, and sunscreen into a bag, and went to the car where Jimin was already waiting for you. He played some rough demo's on the way to the beach that him and the boys had been recording lately, and asked for your opinions after every one. You were so proud of the boys, and all the demos were sounding amazing. While you listened to the demos, you still couldn't get your mind off the beach. There were most likely going to be fans, and fans were going to see your huge belly. 

Even people who weren't fan's of Jimin or BTS were going to see your belly, and it made you really uncomfortable. You tried to hide this from Jimin as best you could as he set down towels for you and set up an umbrella to keep you out of the sun. You sat down on one, watching the gentle waves. Like normal, Jimin ran straight into the water not giving a care in the world.

"Come on Y/N! Come into the water, it'll really help your back!" He called to you from the water, but you didn't plan on taking off your cover up. 

"I'm good right here Chim!" You rubbed your hand up and down your belly, watching Jimin from the shore. When you still didn't listen to him after a few minutes, he came out of the water and sat down on his towel next to you. 

"Come on Jagiya, usually you love the water. What's up sweetheart?" He asked, placing his hand on your belly atop yours. 

"I just don't feel like getting in the water today Jiminie." You tried not to make eye contact, he could read your eyes like an open book. 

"This isn't like you Y/N, tell me what's wrong." You knew he wouldn't give up in trying to get his answer, so you decided to tell him what was eating at you. 

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