SOTUS Baby 01-When Kong Knew He Will Be A Dad

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When Kong Knew He Will Be A Dad

Kong just came back from buying breakfast for the both of them. Sinc his sun was nowhere to be seen in the living room, he decided to head to their bedroom and soon enough he found his beloved Arthit curled up in their bed.

He looked pale. Kong immediately started to worry. Arthit looked like he was tired all the time recently and his sleepiness was getting worse. Sometimes, Kong found it difficult to wake Arthit up.

"Arthit...are you ok love? I brought you breakfast," Kong asked gently as he sat on their bed next to Arthit. Arthit stirred tiredly and shook his head.

"Not really. Just puked water. I don't wanna eat....," Arthit whined weakly and turned around to hug Kong's stomach. He promptly doze off again.

Kong is definitely worried. Recently, he noticed Arthit puking a lot for no reason as well. Fatigue, nausea and lost of appetite. Kong suddenly thought of something and smiles. If it is true then Kong will be the happiest man on earth. Now, he has to think how to subtly proof his theory to his sun.

A few days later...

"Kong, I told you you don't have to skip work to accompany me. It's only a medical report," Arthit scolded Kong who insisted on coming to the hospital and for some weird reason insisted on supporting Arthit carefully while walking.

"And Kongpobe, why are you supporting me like I'm sick or something? Let go!" Arthit said, blushing when people are looking at them.

Kong smiled, " Nothing, I just like walking you carefully so you don't trip," Arthit rolled his eyes and pouted. Soon they arrived to their doctor's office.

Their doctor was a very petite and pretty doctor. Even their doctor was heavily pregnant. Kong gently sat Arthit down before taking his seat beside Arthit. Both waited for their doctor to talk. 

"Thank you Doctor Kit for seeing us today," Kong thanked the doctor who smiled back. 

"No problem at all. So, Khun Arthit, your medical report is back. So let me start with the bad news first. Your fatigue, nausea, lack of appetite will unfortunately will continue for some time," Doctor Kit explained. 

"Doctor Kit, am I ok? Will I die or something? This is not something terminal right?"

Doctor Kit giggled, "Of course not, you are just fine. Don't worry. Now the good news is, you will only have to go through this for another 7 months or so," 

"Doctor, how can this be good news?" Kit asked, worried. Kong smirked. Doctor Kit winked at Kong. 

"Khun Arthit, of course this is the good news because, the better news is, congratulations, you are pregnant!"

Kong beamed. He was right after all. Arthit on the other hand, froze and a few seconds later blacked out on his chair. Kong was very prepared so Arthit blacked out right on his shoulder. Doctor Kit giggled again. 

"Wow, thank goodness you sat him down Khun Kong. You know what, I'll tell the nurse to admit Khun Arthit for half a day. I will release him after checking him when he wakes up," Doctor Kit said.

"Thank you Doctor Kit, we really appreciate it. And thank you so much for your nutrition advice. It came in handy and helped him eat a bit," Kong thanked sincerely.

"No problem, you are one of a kind Khun Kong, you knew your wife was pregnant before he does and even asked about prenatal care,"Doctor Kit praised.

"He is my sun and now that he is giving me our baby, I will do anything them. This feels so amazing, thank you doctor," Kong thanked the doctor again.

"No worries, I'm your assigned doctor until I pop this human out so you can ask me questions anytime. Now, I will let the nurse wheel Khun Arthit out to our private ward. That should give you two have some lone time or for the baby mama to digest this," Kong wai-ed the doctor, politely refused the nurse with wheel chair, preferring to carry his knocked out spouse himself.

"Damn, that's one too fine husband," Doctor Kits mumbled to himself. Not a moment too soon, his smartphone rang. He pressed the loud speaker.

"KIT-KAT! OH MY GOD HOW IS MY BABY MAMA!" and Doctor Kit cut the call.

He is totally jealous of Khun Arthit for having Khun Kong.


Written: 7th February 2018

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