Chapter 4- Aurora

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I needed a run to clear my head. There was just too much I had to sort through. Cassie was still passed out and the whole house was quiet, so pulled my hair back, slipped on my running shorts, tank top, and tennis shoes and went out the door.

I began jogging down the road. The one good thing about being in a town full of night animals was that no one was up early on a Saturday morning. I felt like I had the whole town to myself.

I passed the Nightcrawler and kept going until I reached the woods. I stopped at the edge of the trees, listening to the sounds of life as the animals went about their day.

I stripped down and let go, slipping into my wolf, letting her break free. We had been together for three years now, and I tried to let her out as often as I could. I knew that she would want a say in what was going on, though I also knew I wasn't going to like what she had to say.

We must go back to him, tell him you weren't in your right mind, Aurora pleaded with me.

But I was in my right mind. I shot back.

You were drunk, even I could feel it.

That doesn't mean it wasn't actually what I wanted to do. Now that other guy? That wasn't me in my right mind.

Aurora grumbled as we ran through the woods. The leaves were just a blur of color as we made our way.

That is our mate. We have to go back.

That mate is a jerk.

So you admit it then, she said with a smile in her voice.

That he's a jerk? Yeah, I never denied that.

That he's our mate, she snapped. I could tell her patience with me was wearing thin.

I don't think I can deny what he's supposed to be. It doesn't change the fact that I want to stay as far away from him as possible. He isn't good for me, he isn't good for us.

Yes he is, and you're a fool if you don't realize it.

No he isn-

Something ran in front of us, causing us to skid to a halt. I wanted to snap at whatever had gotten in our way, but Aurora wouldn't let me. Our eyes fell onto the black wolf that had crossed our path.

I knew this wasn't going to end well, Aurora and I had completely different stances on what to do with Alarik, and at the moment, she was the one sitting at the controls. Everything had been given over to my animal instincts and they wanted to be with him.

I could see the knowing smile in his eyes. And I screamed at Aurora to turn around, but she wouldn't listen. In fact she was taking us closer.

You can't do this to me. You can't trap me like this, I screamed at her.

I knew he could hear me, he could hear me shouting with my wolf, arguing with myself. And he found it absolutely hilarious.

Are you trying to tell me you want to reject him? She asked.

Was that what I wanted to do? I suppose it was. I knew I didn't want to be with him, that would mean I would have to reject him.

But it seemed so final. Like there was no way back if I did.

I could feel her laughing, she knew she had won the small battle, but it was a far cry from winning the war.

Alarik's black wolf stepped closer, his fur nearly brushing against mine. Aurora sighed at the close proximity and I heard the low rumble in Alarik's chest.

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