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Hey guys... So sorry for the slow update to this story, but I've hit a bit of a block. Allison and Alarik have kinda gone on strike, causing the whole story to kinda halt. I'm hoping to get things cleared up and back on track here really soon. I just wanted to let y'all know what was going on with the story, and thank you all for being patient and understanding.

In the mean time, I have another story going if you haven't seen it yet, it's called The Huntress' Mate. It's about Electra Jaeger, a hunter of paranormal creatures, just part of the family business. She, along with her her brother and sister, started hunting a few years back after the death of their mother. They kill werewolves, vampires, and other creatures of the night, keeping their friends, neighbors and strangers safe from the evil monsters.

Electra has closed herself off from her emotions, devoting everything to the hunt, to her job, her sister Sarah calls her an ice box. But what happens when Electra meets Jared Rolten, a werewolf, and discovers that she's his mate?

Will Electra's ice box heart win? Will she stick with the only way she knows? Or will Jared be able to thaw the walls and win her heart? What happens when the world of paranormal isn't exactly as black and white as she origionally thought? Find out in The Huntress' Mate. You can find it on my profile.

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