Chapter 11- She Wanted me To Do This

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School had ended and everyone had left the building, well, everyone besides me—and Brittany. Allison had said she didn't want to be with me, that we should resume life as we had before. Fine by me.

All the lights were out in the building and Brittany was twirling her hair around her finger nervously. Her eyes flicking up to me every once in a while.

I slowly made my way back toward the desk, standing behind her.

"I-I don't think we're supposed to do this... Sir." Brittany stammared.

"You're not going to get in trouble, and it's not like their going to fire me," I said running my hand through her soft hair.

Brittany bit her lip nervously. It was a similar habit I had noticed with Allison over the years. I pushed the thought of her aside and walked around, standing in front of Brittany now. I tipped her head back and sucked on her neck, hearing a small moan come from her throat.

I searched around until I hit her sweet spot, hearing when I do as she gasps, begging for more. Why couldn't Allison ask for more? I let myself wonder for a moment before pushing her away again. She wanted this, she wanted us to go our separate ways.

I slid Brittany's shirt off and pressed my lips to hers. She was caught off guard and I took the time to slip my tongue into her mouth, playing with hers. She leaned into me, pulling me closer to her as I felt her fumbling with the buttons on my shirt. She finally popped them open, the buttons falling to the floor and she ran her hands over my chest.

Who would have known the shy girl could be so ferocious.

I ran my hands along the smooth skin of her stomach and around and up her back until I find her bra clasp. I unhooked the bra and pull the straps down, my nails sliding down her skin lightly as my mouth trails down from her mouth, going lower.

I tried to let the old Alarik take over, the one who relished in this. He always had fun with the ladies, finding new ones who wanted any chance to be with him, even for a night. I was right where I used to be comfortable, but everything was off. Tt had been since the night I saw Allison in that damn club.

How could one person ruin everything for me so completely? How could she infuriate me so damn much? How could she just act like none of it mattered when it mattered entirely?

I went through the motions with Brittany and I could smell the need coming off her. I could feel the nerves as well. This was her first time.

"Alarik," she moaned out.

I almost stopped everything right there. I couldn't help but think about Allison saying my name like that. But I kept going.

With my other hand I undid my own pants, letting them drop to the ground before adding protection. Brittany hadn't even noticed at first, but when she had, her moans got louder and her nails raked my back. Their scratches always used to turn me on, but again it just wasn't the same anymore.

As I hit the barrier marking her as pure and Allisons snide remarks she never thought I had heard came back. How I took the pure ones, 'deflowered' them. She was right I supposed, and who was I to start proving her wrong?

I 'deflowered' Brittany and in the height of moment, her back arched, pressing her into me.

I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like being with Allison, to experience the height of passion with her; with my mate. To get the intense sensations from our simple touch, heightened even more in the throes of passion between two mated souls. I knew it was weird to think of another girl at a time like that, but she was my mate, and she was always stuck on my mind now.

When I was done, I pulled my pants back up and looked at Brittany lying naked on my desk. She was beautiful, I had to give her that. It was just a shame I no longer felt the intense desires as I'd used to, or I may have been able to give her something more. Though she didn't seem to mind. None of them ever did.

"Not to rush you or anything, but I have to lock up after you," I said as I straightened up the papers.

Brittany stood up, turning around to face me. "What, that's it?"

I looked up at her, holding her eyes without straying away. "That's it," I said.

She pouted slightly, no longer the shy girl from earlier. But she was soon to be the wounded kitten if she was holding any higher expectations of me. It was hard to believe that anyone expected more from me. Everyone knew about my little escapades. If she was expecting a cuddle or something else, she was looking in the wrong place. Especially when we were in a class room, it didn't really provide the cuddling mood.

Brittany shrugged and got dressed. "See you tomorrow I suppose," she said without looking back as she left the room.

I sighed and slouched in my desk chair thankful that she was finally gone. My anger had been sated, but my desire was far from it. Why couldn't Allison see that I had been watching her all those years, ever since we stopped talking all that time ago, I had never once stopped watching her. By some force we had been made mates, and by hell if I wasn't going to have that.

No one told me no, nobody, and this wasn't any different. I was going to have her submission, I was going to have Allison no matter how long it took. She wasn't going to get away from me. She thought she was the tough girl, the one who could hold out, well I knew the weaknesses of most women and I would use them to my advantage.


A little insight into Alarik again. What do ya'll think with this little..... steamy chapter even if it isn't with dear ol' Allison?

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