Chapter 13- Business

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I had kept my distance from Alarik the most I could the rest of the week. He had stayed as the teacher for my math class, but I just hid in the back corner. He kept glancing my way, but never called attention to me thankfully.

Then we had Jason, who had been ignoring me. He was still obviously not happy that I hadn't told him about Alarik sooner. I couldn't blame him, I knew I should have told him, I just hadn't known how at first, and now I was reaping what I had sown.

I had spent the week trying to make up my mind, trying to decide what I was going to do with this thing between Alarik and me. Playing my odds, could I just stay away from him until he became Alpha? I would have at least two years to myself, to do what I wanted and to try and find a way out of it.

There's no way out of it you fool, and you would only be hurting me, Aurora barked at me. She was right. I couldn't do that to her, but I also didn't want to jump right back in.

I walked around my room, looking at the clock. It had kept me up almost all night and now I was just waiting for a decent hour to go over. Was nine on a Saturday morning too early? Why did I really care? It wasn't like I was trying to impress him or anything.

I tugged on my black skinny jeans and pulled my boots over them. I slipped a long sleeve athletic shirt over my head and looked myself over in the mirror. I knew it wouldn't do much, but at least it would slightly mute the sensation if Alarik touched me.

Unless he makes contact with the little bit bare skin you still have, my wolf reminded me. She seemed happy at the idea.

I pulled my long hair back into a pony tail before darting down the hall and out the front door. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this, I was going to the Alpha's house, I was going to talk to Alarik.

I knocked on the door and a moment later both of Alarik's parents opened the door.

"Alpha Trenton, Luna," I said nodding to both of them. "May I speak to Alarik?"

"Of course, come right on in, Allison," Alarik's father said motioning me to step inside.

His mother stepped aside as I went through the doorway. "We haven't seen you in ages, it's so good to see you again," I just smiled and nodded not knowing what to say back. Debra was nice, she was amazing actually, but Alarik tended to take after his father. Even at a young age I knew he wasn't exactly the best person to be around. It only figures that Alarik took after who he was supposed to become.

"What were you wanting to talk to Alarik about, dear?" His mother asked me.

"Just some business," I replied, dodging the question.

I heard another set of footsteps on the hardwood in the hall and knew who they belonged to. Alarik stepped into the foyer and his eyes widened for a moment, caught off guard before he recovered.

"Allison," he nodded.

"Can I talk to you?"

Alarik turned sideways, ushering me down the hall and into an office. He shut the door behind us and turned toward me.

My heart started beating wildly. Being in the Alpha's house was the most nerve-wracking thing I had ever done. I would have much preferred doing this somewhere else, but I knew I wouldn't be able to go back this way. His parents knew I was here, they knew I was discussing something with their son. True they didn't know what, but it would make backing out a little more difficult.

 He walked past me, his arms crossed as he leaned against the large desk. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before turning around to face him.

"That chance I said I'd give you," I said quietly.

I could see something flash behind his eyes but I couldn't tell what. He was generally good at hiding his emotions. If Alarik didn't want people to know what he was thinking, then they didn't know.

"But I thought you just wanted us to carry on life as usual," he questioned me.

"I did, well, I do," I trailed off. This was not going well at all so far. He already had me all tongue-tied and we hadn't even gotten into the actual talking yet.

"I do, but I know it won't work out."

"Because you find me irrisistable?" He asked lifting a brow.

I mentally groaned and fought the urge to roll my eyes. "No, because you need me. I'm essential to the well being of this pack."

"So you're agreeing to be my mate," he said with a slight smirk.

"The fact that we're mates can't be changed, I can't agree that it's a wise pairing. I can't agree to be with you or not, and I'm not agreeing to that. What I am agreeing to do is give you a chance."

"But you just made it clear that you want to do what's best for the pack. So you're going to be with me."

I felt a sinking in my stomach. I should have known that if someone would find a way to twist my words or find the finality in them, it would be Alarik. He knew he had me practically in the palm of his hand, he knew I wouldn't let something bad happen to the pack if I had the chance to stop it.

"You can't stay away from me, you don't want to," he said stepping closer. His large frame stood over me.

"You don't know me," I said looking into his dark eyes.

"I might know you a little better than you think, Allison."

"Alright, well I'm just going to go now," I said, raising my hand up and pointing behind me toward the door.

Alarik's hand reached out grabbing my wrist. The sparks flew into my body, thankfully muted by the fabric. He could feel the dilution as well and his hand slid down until he laced his finger with mine. Skin touching skin. Suddenly, it was like we were magnets, being drawn together and once that contact was made, there was no breaking apart.

My heart continued to race only it wasn't out of nervousness, it was out of desire and his close proximity, the effect he had on me.

He took another step closer putting very little space between us. He placed both hands on the sides of my face and pulled me to him. His lips moved urgently over mine as his fingers slid into my hair. The raging fire felt like it was going to burn me from the inside out, and it felt good.

I wanted to be completely consumed by the flames, for this feeling to completely take me over, but I couldn't let it. I said I would give him a chance, but I wasn't ready to give myself over to him completely. I hadn't agreed to that. As much as I didn't want to, I pulled back, breaking the kiss.

"I have somewhere else I need to be," I said, my voice shaky.

"There better be no backing out now." Alarik winked at me as I turned to go.

On my way back I thought of what it meant for me now. Was I going to have to publicly come out as his mate? I wasn't sure I could do that, especially not yet. Not when I didn't know where all of this was going.

I supposed I was going to have to wait and see where he and I went from there. I desparately hoped there was a way for me to hate Alarik less, though judging from his past, and the way he constantly tried to use the bond to manipulate me, that was hard to believe. If I couldn't get over everything though, I didn't see it working out between us. I couldn't trap myself with someone I couldn't even stand.

You only can't stand him when you're not touching him, Aurora reminded me.

Well, I thought back. Then I'm either going to have to learn how to not hate him, or I'm going to have to be touching him constantly. I cringed slightly at the thought, but my stomach did a little flip. This was really getting annoying.


So there we are. This is what Allison has come up with, do you think she will be able to actually give Alarik a shot this time? What do you think is in store for their future?

Comment, vote, and fan!! I <3 you!!!!

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