Chapter 19- I didn't mean...

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Song attached to the side again!!

So I thought you all really needed this chapter soon after the last because I see some of you getting very cautious about the story.

As I've said many times. I know the cheating has put some people off, but this story is following a very real way that life happens. These people have as many faults as we do. And Alarik isn't going to be fixed overnight. These aren't habits that can just be broken, but he's tried. He's fallen into his old ways a couple times, but he's trying (I do not condone cheating and I am NOT saying what he's done is okay) I'm just showing the reality of things like this. Mates may be powerful, but they aren't powerful enough to make someone do a complete personality 180 degree turn around. So here's this chapter for you all, where we will see a small advancement in our man.


I walked through the doors to school with just enough time to get to my homeroom. Cassie and Jason were already sitting in there and I tried to judge if today was going to be an Ignore Allison Day or not.

Jason spared me a small smile and I thought things might be looking up. I took my seat next to Cassie and right behind Jason and waited until the teacher started calling role.

Jason turned around in his chair looking at me a long moment before opening his mouth. "I'm sorry, Al."

I smiled slightly, a smart ass remark on the tip of my tongue but I decided against it. I really didn't want to do this anymore with him. He and Cassie were my only real friends and I just wanted to get back to a place where I could talk to him again the way we'd been able to before.

"I understand, it's okay,"

"No it's not. I shouldn't have gotten upset with you. At least you told me what was going on, and it's not like you can control who your mate is. It's not like you would have chosen that dick if it had been up to you."

He was right, honestly if I had gotten my choice for a mate, I probably would have chosen Jason. Besides Cassie, he was the only person who had always been by my side for anything. We already knew everything about each other, inside and out.

"Really Jason, it's okay. I just want things to go back to normal again."

The bell rang and we shared one more look before parting our ways. For the first time, I was actually looking forward to going to math today. It was strange, but ever since Alarik had said those words last night, I had wondered if maybe there was a chance for the two of us. It had seemed unlikely in the beginning, but maybe he could change from the person I knew and turn into a person I wanted to get to know.

For once I didn't sit in the back of the room and I didn't try to ignore Alarik the whole class. I actually listened and participated, and no one could keep their eyes off me.

I couldn't blame, I mean I was the person who never participated. You wouldn't even hear a sound from me if the teachers tried forcing me to answer them. Unless of course it was a smart ass remark. And yet, here I was willingly giving out answers. It shocked even me. Where the hell was this even coming from? This couldn't really be the product of one small sentence could it?

And it seemed like the time passed too quickly. Was this what it was like when you actually did something in class? The bell rang and the class started filtering out. I leaned over to grab my backpack and when I was about to stand up, I saw a girl walk into the room.

Though none of that statement seemed completely accurate for this woman. She looked perfect and pristine, like a model. Her lips were blood red, every hair of her's in just the right place, and she didn't walk, she glided. She looked like she owned the place, which seemed unusual, considering I knew she didn't work at the school, and she was walking right into the room of the Alpha to be. If anything, this was his place.

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