Chapter 32- Taking it All In

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We once again have a bit of a steamy scene in here. It isn't the whole thing this time, but there is some in here


My blurry eyes blinked a few times as I saw the early morning light coming in through the window. In the haze of sleep I couldn't believe the dream I'd had last night. I felt a slight flush coming on at the thoughts running through my mind because of it. 

I felt something tighten around my waist and then I was pulled back slightly. 

I let out a short yelp as I felt skin pressed against skin and when I looked back I was looking into the face of Alarik. 

It hadn't been a dream. 

My hand went up to my neck where I felt the mark he had left behind. My heart fluttered in my chest and my stomach did a small flip as everything came down on me again like it was the first time. 

Whatever his mother had said worked. His father wasn't going to be separating us anymore. And the biggest realization of all. 

I'd fully accepted Alarik. 

I wiggled to turn around and face him and Alarik immediately captured my lips in a kiss. My arms found their way around his neck as my fingers roamed through his hair and I felt his teeth graze my bottom lip. 

"This is the first time I've woken up next to someone and wanted to do nothing but stay right here," Alarik whispered against my skin. 

"Well, I guess I'd like to do something else while we stay right here," he added with a wink. 

I rolled my eyes at him and sat up, looking down at him. I honestly still couldn't believe that I'd done this. I had all the evidence right there but I still couldn't believe it. 

A small smile crossed my lips and I leaned down, kissing him once more before standing, biting back a groan from the ache in all my muscles. I pulled on his t-shirt and my underwear, tied my hair up, and went to the door. 

"Well I'm hungry and I'm getting food. You can stay right there if you want to I guess."

I went to the kitchen and pulled out bacon and eggs and started cooking them up. A few minutes later and I felt strong arms wrapping around my waist and nibbling kisses roaming around my neck. I let out a small sigh before a laugh surfaced. 

"Alarik, I need to concentrate on the food. Unless you want burnt eggs and bacon."

He picked up one of the pieces of bacon that had finished cooking and took a bite. "Hmmm I think it could be a little blackened," he said tilting my head and bringing my mouth to his. 

I pulled back slightly. "Well I like my food edible, so you can get the burnt stuff then," I said with a slight smile. 

"Fair enough." I watched as his eyes darkened while they were locked on mine. That same lustful look when he'd stepped into the house the night before. 

I felt his hands cup my ass and pick me up, lifting me onto the countertop. I vaguely heard the click as he turned the burners off and his lips captured mine. 

Alarik's body made its way between my legs, my knees tightening around him as the intensity brought the heat, and everything else with it. 

Alarik took over the kiss, his tongue plunging in and taking over, deepening it as it went. 

His hand slid up my shirt, exploring me as if it was the first time all over again, as if he were trying to memorize every little detail. The fire burned within me and my legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him even closer. 

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