Chapter 40 : The Date ( WHEN ITS ALL OVER)

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Calling to the afterlife
Can you hear us when we cry
Call out to the afterlife
Can you show us how to fly
When it's all over, Raign
Past(10 years ago; Ashley was 15)

"Calm down it's just a date."

"Just a date?! You are going out with THE Kyle Smith in- in what an hour now? And you are thinking of it as just a-"

"Alright alright ", I sigh and bite my lip to stop smiling, "I AM GOING ON A DATE WITH KYLE SMITH!!!!", I screamed on the phone to Katherine.

"AAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH", she screamed back.

"Shut the fûćk up Ashley, I'm trying to sleep!", I heard my sister yell from the other room. I rolled my eyes and pressed the phone between my head and shoulder blades, as I tactfully put down two dresses on the bed.

"But I wish you were here, dude. I'm seriously going to mess up my make up without you. I barely can get the eyeliner straight.", I chuckled.

"Oh believe me I wish I could be there. I'm stuck here in a stupid wedding. The groom looks like shit."

"Awwww, did someone's dream of ,and I quote, 'finding hot guys in  the wedding', just drown?"

"I seriously thought that the brothers at least would be something like Josh Duhamel. But all I'm getting is Michael Cera.", she whined.

"Well good luck dealing with that. Now tell me , white, red or black?"

"Not white, you're not going to marry him. Not black, it's not a funeral. So.....?"

"Red it is.", I sighed and chuckled.

"That's mah girl. Anyway, listen to these tips very carefully as they are coming from the goddess of flirtation. One, put on light makeup. You don't want to show him that you outdid yourself for this date. That'll inflate his ego like a hot air balloon."

I chuckled and she continued.

"Second, don't give in too much. Play hard to get. He is Kyle Smith, let's not forget. Girls lick the floor he walks on. But not you, my girl. Third, keep minty breath freshners with you. Always works like a charm. Fourth, tell me EVERYTHING once you get back."

"Okay. Got it . Now hang up or I'll be late for date."

"Don't forget to call me. Love ya. Rock his world and that other thing down there."

"Jesus Katherine, I'm 15! Anyway, bye.", I laughed and hung up.

Keeping the phone on the bedside table, I looked at the red off shoulder top. It indeed was beautiful . Although Katherine told be to act cool and all, but I'm so bloody excited! This my life's first date! And that too with Kyle.

My phone buzzed and it was a text from Katherine: Stop day dreaming and get ready!!!

I smiled at how well my best friend understood me. Shīt, it's 6:30 already?! I better get ready.

Pulling the top over my head and straightening the creases, I then got into the black ripped jeans that I got last Christmas. I stood in front of the mirror. It fit me like a puzzle piece, accentuating my curves at the right places. I smiled at how well it still fitted me and went for the harder task. Make up.

I had asked for Amanda's help, who quite reluctantly had gotten up from her bed. Once I told her that I would tell Kyle to set her and Kyle's friend Tanner up , she sprang up like a spring and helped me with the make up at once.

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