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Levi's POV

"Come on, sweetie, you're doing great." I tried to encourage my wife as I kissed her forehead.

"Mmnngh..." She moaned as she kept pushing. We definitely weren't expecting this. The baby wasn't due for another two whole months. This wasn't good.

"Alright, Valerie, one more push." Farlan said as he got ready to deliver the baby.

"A-Ahh!" Valerie squeezed my hand tighter and gave one last push. At last she exhaled and her body relaxed in relief. However, the room was quiet. Completely quiet. No... don't tell me-

Suddenly, though, there was loud screaming and crying coming from a bundle in Farlan's arms. Relief flooded over my body and tears streamed down my cheeks as I heard the sound of my newborn child. "It's a girl!" Isabel said. A girl... I have a daughter... My own daughter...

"Congratulations, you two." Farlan smiled as he handed the baby to Valerie.

"Hey now, it's okay~" Valerie tried to sooth the baby's crying. She was so tiny, some of it due to being born a bit early. She slowly calmed down as Valerie rocked her back and forth. "She's so beautiful." Valerie said as Farlan and Isabel left the room to give us some privacy. "Would you like to hold her, Levi?"

"M-Me?" I asked, unsure of myself. Valerie giggled.

"Of course you. You're her father anyways." I bent down as Valerie carefully placed her in my arms. She barely felt five pounds.

"I can't believe this..." I said as I stared at our daughter in complete shock. We actually did it... we started our own family... Valerie giggled again and patted the bed for me to sit down.

"You know, we never thought of a name for her." Valerie said and she leaned her head on my shoulder. Right then the baby opened her eyes and looked up at me. Not only did she have my hair color and skin tone, she had my eyes, too. She stared up at me with purely innocent and loving eyes.

"Sophie." I said, looking into her eyes. "Her name is Sophie."

"Alright." Valerie smiled and stroked the baby's cheek. "Sophie it is."

The Captain's Daughter: Prequel Scenariosحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن