New life

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Sophie's POV

It's been a couple months now since Daddy left. I'm starting to get really worried that something has happened to him, Farlan and Isabel. But I trusted them. I trusted him. Surely he'd keep his promise and come back. ...Right?

I still don't know what happened with the Millers a month ago. I don't think it was my fault, I don't know, though. But ever since that day, I've become even stronger than before. I'm quicker and my training is going even better than before. I've been practicing on the 3dmg, too.

That's how I got food and necessities. I didn't want to steal or hurt people, but I had to survive. I still have the same routine for every day. I wake up, eat breakfast, train, do "shopping" if necessary, eat lunch, clean, eat supper, train, and go to bed. Sometimes the market is scarce so I may not get lunch some days.

It's still lonely, and most nights I sleep in Daddy's bed. I really miss them. I just wish they'd come back.

Levi's POV

"I expect you to come with me." Erwin said before walking away. I knelt on the ground, looking at him in shock. The air smelt like blood and tears continued to roll down my face.

I looked around me at what I had done. The mangled titan was evaporating. I turned and looked one last time at Isabel. Isabel's head, to be exact. Farlan's upper body was somewhere among the titan. I felt my heart slowly harden and I swallowed my tears.

I then looked up to the sky to see the sun starting to shine. My entire life quickly went through my mind. Mom... Kenny... Valerie... Farlan... Isabel... and... Sophie... I continued to look up at the beautiful sky, the sky that Valerie never got to see. The sky that I promised her Sophie would get to see one day. I took a deep breath and remembered my promise.

I will come back for you, Sophie... one day.

(A/N: Hey guys! So I didn't realize until I was writing this part that there will most likely only be one more part to this story😭 Thank you so much for all the support, I appreciate it so much! Love ya!♥️)

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