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Levi's POV

It's been about a month now since Valerie's death. I'd be lying if I said a tiny spark of healing wasn't forming of me, but it was still really hard. I had to be strong for Sophie, after all. She was starting to gain some of her cheerfulness back and slept in her own bed now.

I know she's only three, but I've been thinking about starting to train her. Train her to survive down here and possibly one day on the surface. She's the daughter of two of the strongest soldiers humanity has ever known, surely she can handle it.

I walked downstairs to find Sophie on the couch playing with her now two dolls. Valerie made her a second one right before she passed. The sight stung my heart a little, but I pursued her nonetheless.

"Oh, hey, Daddy." Sophie smiled, taking notice of me. I returned a small smile.

"Hey, baby. Daddy needs to talk to you about something very serious." I knelt down in front of her as she laid her dolls down and gave me her full attention. "You know how dangerous it is down here, right?" She nodded. "And you know that there's a whole other world above us, right?" She nodded again. I took a deep breath and looked at her. She's so precious... I don't want to have to turn her into a fighter...

"What is it, Daddy?" She tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"Sophie, from tomorrow I'm going to be training you to be able to survive down here." I told her. "It's going to be tough at first, but Daddy will be right here, okay?"

"Does that mean I'll have to fight?" I nodded. "And steal? Stealing is bad."

"Yes, it is. But once we get to the surface, you won't have to anymore." I said.

"You mean we'll actually get up there one day?" She asked me with hope in her eyes. Valerie's promise rang throughout my head.

"Yes, Sophie."

Time skip

I woke up early the next morning to start Sophie's training. I got up and quietly snuck into her room. She was still soundly asleep in her small bed. I took a moment to admire her beautiful, sleeping face before I cleared my throat. "Sophie, it's time to get up." She turned over but remained asleep. "Sophie, we're starting training today." She remained asleep so I picked her up and carried her downstairs.

"But it's so early..." She yawned in my arms.

"Get used to it." I sat her down at the table and gave her some leftover soup from last night.

After we both ate, we started with some warm-ups. I taught her first some basic punches and kicks. 3dmg won't always be an option so she'll have to be prepared to fight on ground. She was doing pretty good until she kicked a little too high and fell backwards. She hit her head and slowly sat up. "Ow..." Tears pricked the corners of her eyes as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Get up. We're not done." I said. She looked at me in surprise for some reason and slowly stood up. We continued training for who knows how long. My stomach suddenly rumbled and I realized that we had completely skipped lunch.

"Levi I think you should take a break now." Farlan said as he placed dinner on the table.

"We'll take a break when I say we will." I said but sat down at the table nonetheless.

"You shouldn't be too hard on Sophie, either. She's only three, remember?" Farlan whispered to me; Sophie was too busy gobbling up her food to notice anything. I rolled my eyes.

"Tch, don't tell me how to parent."

The Captain's Daughter: Prequel ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now